ReXing THCa in pentane

I was just letting him know how far off he was not giving a specific ratio. Which is easily altered by how clean your thca is from the mother liquor. I usually will saturate at a good ratio for room temp or cooler (depending on how cold the lab and booth are) nucleation, dissolve at a warmer temp, then drop temp ,and walk away.


Eg: where did your jar start?

Where did you take it by putting it in the freezer?

What does the crystal size tell you about your degree of supersaturation?

If you’re looking for BIG, how does the level of supersaturation you achieved compare to what you were aiming for?

Oh wait…you weren’t aiming!

Now that the target has been described, try aiming…


I was leaving the purity of the thca out hahaha I guess were just handing out this morning lol


Nobody fucking reads…


So true I don’t mind dropping hints in the proper context “mood”

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not looking to achieve big boulders just some nice diamonds so i can reincorporate back into the sauce.

i took thca that i crashed out of a ethanol mix purged the ethanol off in my vacuum oven… then dissolved the thca 4:1 into pentane. putting it in the freezer was an idea i got from someone saying doing a temp cycle where you get it really cold then bring back to room temp then close to bp then back to freezing. then back out at room temp to finish out. i beleived i was SUPER saturated and flew passed the meta zone when i took it to -45 because it sugared out to the bottom of the jar… idk if i’ve said this enough but i am really green when it comes to thca … i’ve been ingesting it for 2 decades but just now getting the experience in isolating it. #RookieStatus

I’m pretty sure I know what you did…and why.

My point is, if you can explain where on the graph you were at each step, you will have a better understanding of the process.

You don’t have to do so in public, but that would be my recommendation

You’re not wrong here, but you’re also not using the graph(s) to explain where you were at each step. I suggest you print out and mark the graph up.

Is your buddy any good at this trick?!?
Their advice isn’t spectacular…

If you were a pro, I wouldn’t be smacking that spoon on your knuckles repeatedly.



Question (for anyone):

I’m looking to produce large quantities of diamonds. I think I need upwards of 200kg per month, which seems like an insane quantity for jar teks (but maybe I’m wrong?) in terms of pure management time.

Has anyone gone to a scale like that with diamond miners? I’m contemplating 6-12 of these 1.6L miners from a place like BVV.

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200KG of raw THCa or diamonds and sauce?

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I want to end up with 200kg diamonds - the material I am starting with is about 98% THCA.

Ive seen people crash in 100L reactors…

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Across 16 vacuum oven
And 1 stirred reactor
Buchnerfunnel or filterskid
And a Bunch of Pyrex oven dishes
Would be my bet for 50 kg a week
Of diamonds


300L :sunglasses: but diamonds shallow is best
No agitation if you insist and pea size is good enough
2 solvent system pentane on top of water spiked glycerine
Slight agitation but with a Stratton
So no mixing of liquids occure low rpm


Here’s another question I haven’t seen anyone talk much about - not too sure how to search for it either - but how do people typically handle the offgassing of Pentane and other solvents into the atmosphere from diamond mining - does anyone go crazy with C1D1 lab units or is the amount of offgas pretty negligible from smaller diamond miners and mason jars?

We have monitoring in place for air quality in our lab.


We also have air monitoring in place. In our (extremely well) ventilated lab, we’ll open up our miners/jars and have never caused the LELs to go off.

That being said, the majority of our processing takes place in a separate C1D1 booth.


I just recover all the pentane I use from the vessel itself


^^^^^^ right way to do it.

Into a vessel on a scale so you can learn the correct rate is helpful too…



Thats how we roll


I have a lot to learn and more reading to do. Where you mention you “recover all the pentane from the vessel itself”. Are you off gassing through lines into another vessel or just opening it up and pouring into another container for recollect? Again, so much to learn and get embarrassed to ask at times, as there’s so much data on this site. Just have had sand that hadn’t been fully cleaned. Some from old oxidized or over heated oven purges during learning curves and finally had a centrifuge to hope clean things up. So with some terps and possible fats left behind, the pentane after rexing would be left with slight terps and D9 I’ve been learning. Thick and gooey depending on tech hadn’t rex’d in vessels yet though… so curious. I feel the clean sand/crystalline with a seeded nice saturation and decide to pull out the pentane when I felt I had the stones and change the solution. Is there possibly some hoses to off gas and attachments that wouldn’t get clogged? lol I’m assuming a free pour in a proper ventilated area though? venting is improving yet I’d enjoy some quick trick. lol I’m just reaching for stars that are far and can’t wait for better ventilation. So just asking and planning ahead till things are safer and using vessels.

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Ding ding ding…