Reminder not to play with gases

Possible butane extraction incident. No word on method.

keep the gases out of the houses!


:disappointed: :disappointed: :disappointed:

You can’t fix stupid…


Nope, but you can kill it!


@Killa12345 showd me a vid of a young boy who was blasting in his parents kitchen, burnt him self, burnt the house down, was wild.
The kid explained how he had a desk fan pointing to a window and that would be ok.
He is lucky he had so much butane in the house that it burnt and didn’t have enough oxygen to explode.
Its part the reason i had the rant in the echo chamber.
If you can’t research and learn form using the search bar on this forum.
You shouldn’t really be attempting to do what your doing.
I understand slight confusions like me for example, I still cant get my head around celite, DE and silica and what is what lol.
Most of the reports I see of people blowing up or burning are down to lack of understanding of the operation they are undertaking.
I suppose its the same as years ago poeple going blind from drinking moonshine with methanol lol.

Sad though, I dont wish anyone to get blown up or burnt … :heart:

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