Reintroducing Color After CRC

What spots…

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It’s carbon trapped in water, it can move around when flipped. Some carbon is trapped in oil in same stone. This mostly happened near a volcano a 100’s millions ago. Gotta be super hot to trap liquid in crystal all in one.


Note to self. Learn how to use italics when being sarcastic. But I’m going to do that, I already forgot.


:man_facepalming:t4: Stop…

Lmao no bs

looks like someone is trying to pass off quartz crystals to me? the black stuff really makes me think its quartz not thca

@Drink. time to be honest…thats quartz crystals aint it?

to clear to be thca for a dried stone imo but what i know, and the black really gives it away
…if you have black in ur extract ur doing something wrong

its a beautiful piece of quartz though tbh

just realized u never said was thca, and mention of volcano its definitely quartz…my bad

yeah u need italics

lmao drop it in banger lets see what happens


I’m dyslexic. Dogs just got skunked, for real. And I got Mac and fake veggie dog cheese noodle to eat. Smells like skunk though. This what I get for thinking I’m funny.