Refilling Tanks

Hello Everyone

Today I’m refilling two tanks with a 70/30 Iso Butane mix. I used N2 to push some of the solvent from the material over to the collection. However I didn’t bleed off the N2 from the collector before recovering. My recover tank is about 75psi. Did I potentially get N2 into the recover tank? What is the best way to lower the psi gauge for the recovery tank and make sure all N2 has been removed?

Make your your collection is below the bp of your solvent mix, then you should be able to bleed off the n2.


BP, Butane pressure? I used the Vapor line to bleed pressure out of my tank below 50psi. It is slowly raising back up past 50psi so I’m keeping an eye in it.

BP=Boiling Point
Make sure your solvent is chilled below the boiling point of your solvent. Butane has a boiling point of -1c, or 30.2f.

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