It isn’t as hard as you’d think to find lab testing that works. One sample sent to three labs can genuinely tell you almost everything you need to know. If you are in the Bay Area I will offer you testing services myself.
Very kind and it blows me away how generous folks on this site are. I am in Oregon. I am a patient which does allow me to posses quantities shown in my vids so long as the compound is “concentrate” made from anything but hydrocarbons or supercritical extracions. A concentrate is made with any alcohol or non hydrocarbon in our laws and a patient may posess sixteen ounces of even 100% pure thc so long as it was concentrated out of the plant and not extracted. If it was extracted more than five grams of even 50% test extract is a crime.
Since the laws are so funky and since I am just a private guy I am loath to send up a flare of any kind including showing up at a state licensed lab with something extremely pure. I know for certain I am legal but then again I have read several stories in the paper where private folks show up for testing who were not and got busted. I long ago realized that the stress of putting my own name into the Oregon hat of names of folks who get testing done would only serve to make me paranoid lolz.
My reluctance has everything to do with this frankly. I do not want my State ID photographed and attached to something unsusually high potency because I do not want to explain to anyone from the state how I do it.
Horatios The Inner Sanctum on YouTube discusses taking crystal clear heptane and extracting a red impurity out of it
Can you link that video? all i am finding is a bubble man video
I’m having an issue with red discoloration after carbon scrubbing some disty with heptane. I had a batch of very clear disty, 2 passes in 5L spd, hexane/brine wash and cbleach in between 1st and 2nd pass. Test results showed paclobutrazol, most of which should have come out in the saline wash, so I tried the only other thing I had available which was AC. I have never carbon scrubbed distillate, so I don’t know if this is normal or what, but after filtering the AC through whatman #1 paper and celite 545, the solution was dark and red. I filtered several more times thinking some AC was still in the solution, and then rotovap. Was left with a very dark red, almost opaque distillate. I was not planning on running a 3rd pass but it looks like I will have to. Does anyone know what happened here?
Very common with carbon. You have adjusted the phone I believe. Not sure what the correct step is for some reason I want to say activated alumina, but maybe @Shadownaught can tell us the correct media to correct your red.
Actually I think he was talking about d-limonene and how when he buys it from his supplier he always takes it out of the can it comes in then distills it to remove out the “bad smelling” terp fraction. He suspected that it may come from the originating can’s plastic lid being melted into the limonene. This fraction he would collect over time and it looks red when concentrated, though it comes from what looks clear…little bits can hid diffused out of eye-sight. Horatio is the pioneer of LHO (as far as I am aware, it was his baby).
Does acidic carbon effect color removal (prior to distillation) or does acidic carbon have very little to do with removing color?
Activated carbon is used here
Activated carbon with a neutral ph (7) that is
Preffurably made from hard wood not coconut husks or coal
Not all carbons can be used in the boiling flask
And trails with small amounts should be made first
As for color removal in the boiling flask when distilling I prefure oxides in catalytic quantitys