Recovery Speed - A Thermodynamic Approach

Dry Ice has Enthalpy of sublimation of 571kJ/kg.

If we’re interested only in the condensing of the gas that’s just been evaporated we only need to look at the Required Power for Boiling column.

I’m gonna throw economy in there just cause—let’s assume dry ice is $1/lb

@ 1lb/min for Butane, you will lose 0.005 kg/s of dry ice (about 18kg/hr or 40lbs/hr)

This means every hour you’re paying $40 for dry ice only. And for each shift $320. If you run 300/365 days a year that’s equivalent to $96,000.

@ 3lb/min for Butane, you will lose 0.015 kg/s of dry ice (about 55kg/hr or 122lbs/hr)

This means every hour you’re paying $122 for dry ice only. And for each shift $976. If you run 300/365 days a year that’s equivalent to $292,800.

This is why you buy a chiller that’ll do the same work but last for 10 years. It pays for itself in no time.

P.S. FOR BUTANE ONLY, you can buy a Huber chiller that will condense about 6 lbs/min for $38,500