Unfortunately I recently found out I have a tumor in my chest, in the mediastinum region. I am going to a specialist tomorrow to get further tests done and hopefully find out exactly what it is. I’m sorry if this isn’t the exact forum to be posting on, but I know a lot of you are very smart and very informative so I felt I should reach out to this community. I’m looking into RSO. Does anyone know any resources for getting the best quality RSO I can obtain? Are there any programs in California for patients who can prove their medical issues, to get RSO at a cheaper price? I’m mostly seeing $30-$60 per gram on weedmaps. Any help is greatly appreciated.
I would prefer to make my own RSO. It’s rather simple and easy with only a few things needed.
High proof alcohol
Strainer/cheese cloth
Mason jars
Pyrex dishes to evaporate the ethanol
Table/fan/splatter screens (keeps dust out of oil)/outdoors
I wouldn’t even rock a decarb. I’ve heard some speculation that acidic cannabanoids are better against cancers; and you can also ingest way more without being too fucked up
I will never understand how or why dispensaries charge so much for RSO. They use the lowest quality material and don’t even sacrifice time/yield trying to clean it up. I’m not saying RSO is bad, if anything I like the full plant extract concept. I think leaving a lot of the natural anti oxidative pigment compounds and anti inflammatory flavonoids in there could be why it’s so effective. But the fact that the industry convinced people to pay more for something that deliberately is the easiest, cheapest, and by normal comparison the “lowest quality” extract type is mind blowing.
If someone doesn’t offer to give you it, I will echo what others have said and say to just make it yourself. Maybe ask around for some free/cheap trim, given the circumstances I’m sure someone can help there. Anyone can do it. Only thing to understand going into it is how to safely control ethanol fumes but you’re in the right place for that. Small personal use batches are a walk in the park if you just intend on eating it/putting it in capsules
I’m in Long Beach. I would be very stoked to be able to buy it from someone that knows what they are doing and has access to flowers/plant material that is 20% or higher. I read that it needs to be that high of THC content. Thing is, I don’t have access to packs that are tested for potency. I would definitely try and make it myself if I had access to tested material. Buying lab tested flowers in a shop and making RSO out of that would just be way too pricey for me.
Ok wild shot
If one off the extractors close to Long Beach would reveal himself maybe we the members can chip in to get @Mr.Singh some rso
A good RSO cure needs 6 weeks to show results and this should be feasible as a goal from this community
So who s close by ???
One is supposed to take 900mg daily for 6 weeks of thc and a smaller dose of cbd
It s really a rough ride I always advise to get to that dosage asap
But I have had many that could not handel it either yust because of the massive high feeling or the fact that they did not want to risk beeing amoung loved ones and friends some in their final months in such a state
Free choice but they had this choice
We can offer this choice together
To those in need
As far as dosage goes, I spoke with Dr. Kymron DeCesare in 2017 about this. He said he’s seen success with 7 mg per lb of body weight. So according to his data, the usual gram a day suggestion would actually be just under 1,200mg for a 170lb adult. Closer to 2.5g per day if the RSO tests around 50%.
That said, this is still folk medicine so nothing is exact. You should basically eat what you can stand for as long as it takes to see progress. I’ve known folks that saw measurable progress after 1-3 months.
As an aside, it would be mighty helpful to try & figure out the underlying cause, as RSO may not necessarily help remedy that.
I can help. I’ve got a surplus of the exact thing you are looking for. I recommend 2:1 CBD:THC for cancer but I can make any ratio you want. I have cannabis derived full spectrum, not hemp CBD.
I agree with this statement. My oil has both acidic and decarbed cannabinoid for maximum effect
And I agree with this as well. I usually tell cancer patients 1000mg per day minimum if you want it to work. We’re trying to make cancer go into remission, you have to totally saturate your bloodstream and bombard the cancer cells