Really red dark thc first pass distillate

Howdy! So, Iv been lurkin around reading that color remediation tech, but Iv never had the chance to use it, until now… my THc crude was winterize, -50 was composed of 3 different solvents… iso/eth/bho.

Iv was going to get t-5 activated clay, some magsil , and maybe some t-41? Filter it with hexane10/1 oilresin

Or maybe should I just do a LLE? Hexane and water about what percentages? 50/50 in Sepfunnel?

Thankyou guys for your support, I would have never been able to progress in my passion as much as I have without this resource. :slight_smile:


what was your vac level at? looks like lots of moisture caught in your cold trap


222 microns

Did u do hot condenser tek

It’s not due to Multiple solvents?

It sits at 80c

Thats your problem

So it’s to hot and changing color? Hmm. So second pass cooler would change that problem

No u need it hotter. Also you might have a vac leak. Look up hot condenser tek

Consider using pentane instead of hexane for the crc, ive read of one report so far where the adsorbent powders dont work that great at removing color from a hexane solution. @Soxhlet said pentane works good as the solvent for color remediation.


Iv got pentane down stairs too! :slight_smile:

I was talking about using the pentane as the solvent in color remediation wth adsorbents. You could go the route of ph swing brine washes with pentane to remove the color in your disty too

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Yes, scooby. Thankyou for your wisdom. I’ll give it ago.

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Post results :slight_smile:


What kind of mantle and head temp are you running at?

Here’s a post from @thesweetlife

“ On first pass I never go over 220c it always gives me a red color. First pass 220c Max on the mantle Vapor temp 165-185 for main body Second pass max it out at 205c on the mantle Keeps the gold color. Also I always end up getting red if I have a leak. Just some food for thought.“

All of my runs come out looking the same as I have to run at higher temps because of my leaky Chinese glass (usually distilling main fraction at 225-230c and 350 microns) but I’m going to try the hot condenser tek soon and see if it changes anything.


I’m currantly at, 200c and I can even go down lower. 202 mtorr. All my glass is American.

I’m gonna go after that CNC tech :slight_smile:

How old is the biomass this was extracted from ?
Then an LLE with hexane and methanol to start with 3 to 5 % water several washes
Then absorbants winterize If You degum
The hexane layer Will still have cannabinoids after 3 washes i dunk that in My tails jar


They said it was garabge old trim. I’m content with there statement. So lnl with hex and methanol, 3-5% per what’s the ratio for let’s say a liter of distillate to this mix?

Dissolve the distillat 1:4 in hexane
Then Ad 5 parts methanol
Shake ,stir Well
Ad 1% of water at a time You really want to keep the methanol as pure as possible
Untill laters apear within 3 min
Then take out the methanol and Ad fresh methanol Do the same 2x
After 3 x the hex red Will jump more to the methanol and iT s not much use
Even thou there are still cannabinoids in there
When evaporating off your methanol your oil Will stay in the % If water that You added
Place warm in sep funnel and give Some time to seperate and take out the oil Wich often is heavier than the water


O and be happy with amber gold is a tough one on old material :hugs:

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