Rapid crystallization during solvent recovery

I don’t have time for a problem I don’t have :relieved:

i dont see iso as contaminant, i have some iso in my mix for years.

Fuck, I just got disproved by thumper :sweat_smile:


My fast crash had little to do with new gas. the newest gas was butane and i used old gas to pressurize. ve used both multiple runs but wasnt diamond mining? I dont think its the gas. maybe i did shatter without noticing this so called issue= its not an issue if its industry wide and all dispensary sell it as a great product- it is a great product= im on here an high on weed = imagine me on an extract???

Ah man! It kinda sounds like you’ve lost confidence you can solve this issue:

I mean, you got a guaranteed 10,000 dollar consult waiting for you if you solve this issue.

I don’t really believe you’d turn down the opportunity to make 10k over the phone, so I’m inclined to think you’re a cocky liar who doesn’t know shit about the current issue, but has to stoke your ego.

Of course, if you wanna prove me wrong, I know a guy willing to pay you 10,000 dollars for the pleasure. Balls in your court! :wink: Next step is to go help Johnbigoilco!

I thought you blocked me? Don’t take away a good thing, ya baby.

I’m inclined to think you need the gig more. Seeing as you’re so interested in this topic.

Next step, get in line. Some random, no money forum troll… trying to stir a pot they can’t cook themselves isn’t my problem. Try and talk with your own wallet. Not big Jon’s.

Dropping priorities for you is laughable. I have money I haven’t collected or even invoiced yet, I’m happy rn. Plates full. Eat up.

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That’s called being owed money. Its a lot different than actually having the money. Especially in this industry. Careful counting your eggs before they hatch.

I think the frustration @anon88836658 has is you claim to have a solution but when in reality you do not, so its seen as all talk and noise.


I definitely know how to dodge this problem.

Edit: @thesk8nmidget Most of my independent work is all technical / web / IT related. In this instance, a bunch of web clients (most non related to this industry all together).

Been so busy doing this hash life.

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We dont even have the issue is his point and anyone processing like us wouldn’t have this issue, we reached out to john and he was already guided in the right direction by Dred on how to mitigate the issue for his current SOP and already working with duke Johnson on advancing his diamond SOPs to something extreamly similar to what I’ve been doing, so I told him he was already in good hands :+1: you guys want consultation on how to move past “jar tech” diamonds and the issues involved with it hit us up

prices starting at 10,000$

We were also able to intentionally recreate medusa stones that dont chalk out that we gave to photon noire for furthe analysis


Can you show pics of “medusa stones” that dont chalk? Not really medusa stones if they dont chalk.

That being said I still prefer jar tek diamonds when it comes to clarity and perfect size rocks. I have not figured out a way to make small diamonds on the fast crash!


In reference to the abnormal formation/shape if I recall. And not chalking out. We have some very fascinating stones. The pyramid (triangular shark tooth like) ones are my favorite (but not the above mentioned I believe)

I probably do somewhere I might try and find it, but medusa was originally referenced with odd long rectangular shaped diamonds that crashed overnight and were used as in indication of medusa stones, we recreated the diamond shapes without the chalking issue meaning we had two different contaminants happening at once, the shapes of the stones although unique weren’t responsible for the chalking issue, so YES they arnt medusa stones but they are proof that we have more then one contaminant effecting processing

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Triangular shark tooth is the normal shape imo. Its the square bars and urchins that are unique.

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I’ve gotten weird shapes from using other solvents to re-x

Heptane and hexane specifically

I have also had clean coa from tanks and the oil came back testing for hexane and acetone so please assume all the gas suppliers are lying and provide false or over simplified coas


Its astounding to me that the industry has a multi million dollar problem with this, and y’all just bicker instead of working together to solve the issue that is hurting everyone’s pocket.

Maybe spend less time dick swinging, and more time cooperating?

Or are your egos more important than your wallet(s)?

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These are definitely unique to me.

Sharing for reference to pyramids

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Those look very opaque. Just the pic or?

Shitty camera. Zoom the vid

They look like chalk in the video

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