Ran into the Medusa at a new job, quickly was able to come up with a solid work around!

Definitely just use new media everytime. Depending on the size of your spool you are filling with media to pass solvent through as a liquid you will just keep track of how long it lasts, and changeout as needed.


The rest is understanding what you are doing and what’s happening when making diamonds. With the current gas conditions you really have to tighten all your parameters up or end up with fast crash / sugar a lot easier than ever before. This can be done without using any media to scrub your solvent also.


I have used a media that is directly targeted for removing amines. It’s just more expensive and would cost me $45-60 a day. But, they worked better than anything else


I appreciate the tips guys, @Dred_pirate @Ahay5280 If i need to clean lets say, 25 lbs of butane, how many pounds of mol sieves would you run that through preferably?

Also ive noticed when i put them in the oven to regenerate them, the amount of moisture coming off them seems to be excessive. I feel like this is taking a toll on my pump, sucking the moisture in. I guess new ones everytime isnt the worst idea, just any extra cost right now is a killer with the price of extracts and everything else being so low.

Change the pump oil more frequently if you are concerned about the pump.

As much as you can. Not quite sure about weight, but the volume that you would use would be somewhat close to filling a 4x18" column with the 13x. And another section of the same size filled with activated alumina. Overall filing a 4x36" section.

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Add a cold trap, or use a pump that can handle the liquid. Diaphragm pumps are ideal for this task. In the past I’ve had them drip into a catch bucket so I could easily see how much water was being pulled.

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I was even thinking about typing that out, but as we see, I didn’t.


A dry pump would be better. An oil sealed pump will not like this gas load at all. If you must use a rotary vane pump, turn the pump on and run it deadheaded (closed at the isolation valve on the pump) for 30 minutes before and after your run. This will keep the oil warm and viscous and allow any documents or water to be processed out of the pump.


what media is that?

Purolite CT275DR


Can regenerate it using HCL @ 30%, but then you’d have to deal with HCL @ 30%. If you’re into that!


That’s another whole new process that would require a bunch of new equipment and more to get rid of the hcl, right?

Perhaps lle and collection of solids?

Recirc of the HCL through a column and then recirc distilled water through in several batches. Check pH of water to determine when enuf is enuf. If the fancy beads work, you just gotta decrease operating costs by reusing. Might even reach out to them to see if citric would work as a substitute. If you can reuse 3 times, then it should be the same cost as most other adsorbents.

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Kind of a long shot, but does anyone have an old sample of gas? This could be a way to get a good background of what’s different. This is gonna be like finding an old fire hydrant to get your hands on some carbon tet.

I had the thought ‘what if there is something missing from the gas?’ While unlikely, worth a shot, would be that another component nullified other components or gave favorable crystallization conditions :person_shrugging:

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I actually do have some clean butane in a jar in my freezer. safety first


How old is it? If it’s from 2018 that could be interesting. I’m working with my testing lab to see how good their GCMS library is, hopefully do some better investigative work than using a candle as a detector.

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are you referring to the light at the end of the tunnel? (fid)

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Being drawn and quartered via electrons tends to be a bit more elucidating than cremation in my opinion.

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:rofl: :joy: :rofl:

just remember, information gained via torture is known to be unreliable…