Rad Source 420 XL Decontamination Machine with aircooled G&D Chiller

Item Model/Manufacturer: Rad Source and G&D Chiller
Description: Rad Sources largest x-ray machine for remediation and sterilization of cannabis. included in the sale is a GD-7H-HT Chiller
Price/MSRP: $250,000
Current location of item: Eugene OR
Estimated lead time: 2 Days
Fulfillment: Direct from seller
User support / Warranty: NA

I have for sale a very lightly used Rad Source machine that was purchased right after Oregon enacted their new testing requirements that included aspergillus testing. After a couple months the state revoked that requirement and this has been sitting unused except for the once a week warm up runs to maintain the x-ray bulbs.

Sale includes a pallet of cardboard tubes, spare air filters, and the oversized G&D chiller.



Hi there, I am curious if this unit is still for sale. I’m not clear why there’s a chiller needed but I would like to learn more. Thank you.

Yes, The unit is still available and the chiller is needed to keep the bulbs at operating temp.

When can we discuss in detail? I’m currently traveling for work but would like to talk as schedules allow.

I may have it sold but feel free to shoot me a DM and we can discuss more.