Rad Source 420 XL Decontamination Machine with aircooled G&D Chiller

Item Model/Manufacturer: Rad Source and G&D Chiller
Description: Rad Sources largest x-ray machine for remediation and sterilization of cannabis. included in the sale is a GD-7H-HT Chiller
Price/MSRP: $250,000
Current location of item: Eugene OR
Estimated lead time: 2 Days
Fulfillment: Direct from seller
User support / Warranty: NA

I have for sale a very lightly used Rad Source machine that was purchased right after Oregon enacted their new testing requirements that included aspergillus testing. After a couple months the state revoked that requirement and this has been sitting unused except for the once a week warm up runs to maintain the x-ray bulbs.

Sale includes a pallet of cardboard tubes, spare air filters, and the oversized G&D chiller.

