r/SeattleWA - Washington is trying to ban all marijuana concentrates over 10%...

sooo…what do you all think of wa state putting out a bill to ban all thc concentrates over 10% thc? I have my own ideas of what is going on but ill keep them to myself until some more of you chime in.

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Well how does one concentrate a flower of 20% tac to 10%
Ahha dilutant that will be a great option
Pfff tierd of politics


biiiiiiig fucking eye roll


I mean…its Washington…they try to ban and tax everything here.

Go ahead politicans…drop the limit to 10%…watch me stack cash. If they make it that easy to make money…its almost like the government doesn’t know how the “game” works. I was born into this shit…the government seems like they are a little out of their league…they’re trying to play themselves lol


Here’s the thing though, you can’t legally add anything to concentrates that isn’t purely cannabis or hemp derived (recent flavor ban from the vape scare). So all concentrates will be over the limit and we will be legally not allowed to cut them to levels that are “acceptable” to some aging anti-cannabis ex-cops and politicians.

EDIT - concentrates would only be used to create edibles essentially. It would wipe out 90% of the extraction market overnight. Pretty ridiculous. Also the LCB general session they had in Olympia earlier this week was pretty wild, sparks were flying lol.


heres my take on it for what its worth, feds say concentrated cannabis is not cannabis, they say that it is a drug. Wa state licensed non pharmaceutical labs and now they are scared that if the DEA raids the labs they will get the living shit sued out of them. they are back peddaling on it now. Personally i think this was the plan all along, they have continuously used us to build and asses a market and now they are ready to destroy it all from the inside out and hand it all to big pharma on a silver platter.


Back to woods for me. Might actually make some money again…

To be fair tho, this is the recreational market. Therefore we are pretty clearly saying it’s a drug. A recreational drug.

I doubt this will go anywhere. People love their weed here


Don’t you work for the government :rofl:

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I absolutely do my man. They do not suspect their own. But I guess you didnt look at my avatar or read my other posts much.

If we ever meet in person, i will tell you of my illegal farming heritage.

I’ll also tell you of my machining and engineering heritage, and show you what a true craftsman can do with WW2 vintage machinery


I always assumed your avatar was sterling Archer for some reason


Man I’m high all the time and I can even see it’s Hans solo. Lol


Well that’s lame for WA patients. What are they going to do about flower that’s mid 20 to low 30s?

Smoke it

But hold up… Does the bill only mention “THC”?

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This is how PM and other bigbtobacco get their foot in Wa. In order to go from say 20% to the legal 10%, add tobacco and make 50/50 tabacco/joints.

Squeeze the little guy out. Then change legislation, and gain big bucks while the small guy found a min wage job to make ends meet.

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This bill is for concentrates only. And apparently says nothing about THCa…


Of course i read yo shit. I was just making a joke lmfaoooo

but you are making my giney tingle with that WW2 craftsmanship…

Please say tanks…

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I’m sorry man…I’m terribly defensive on here. By the end of the day I’m wound pretty tight and am quick to get oddly abrasive.

The WW2 machinery is mostly lathes, mills, precision grinders, vertical turret lathes, shapers, etc. Think machine shop.

We still make parts with machines my great grandfather used. We do have fancy CNC machines…but they often cannot replace the old technology adequately for our application.


I glanced at it. Surely this will be dead on arrival…I dont see this going anywhere.

That would effectively make WA the Utah(3.2% beer) of weed.


Why is that?

Because of the nature of our work…It is not production. The people we must employ must be a master of their craft, able to operate a wide variety of machines with competency. All manual machines are the same. They have dials, we use indicators, my hand is the feed force for the cutter, or my hand is slipping the clutch as I approach the part in manual rapid on a 1954 kerney tracker knee mill. This skill…is applicable to 100% of manual machines. There isn’t one I cannot run…because it is my craft.

Put a computer in between myself and the cutter…and I cannot run them all. In reality, i can run very few without playing around for a few hours to familiarize myself with what is going on. The language differs from machine to machine, from brand to brand. Offset systems change, program writing and CAM is a whole different world. Or maybe its conversational, and G and M code aren’t in the interface what so ever.

CNC machines make people specialists who are extremely efficient at doing a few things. I’ve worked the production world before. I run mostly manual machines these days, some CNC, and I make one part, maybe two at a time or I do high end repairs on components.

It’s like an emergency room for giant industrial things. It’s not straight forward, the paper is wrong, the material is expensive and the parts go on things that cost billions of dollars. It’s pretty disgusting actually…its hard to rationalize at times.