Question about adding terps

Ovens suck,
A) because they’re not great at regulating temp in the 100-150C range

B) Air is a lousy heat transfer media. Folks do it with their weed, and that works ok for edibles, but still isn’t particularly reproducible.

Does a number on the volatiles.

Vacuum oven deals with A), and if you were deliberately trying to loose the terpenes before distillation actually turning the vac on is a feature from a couple of angles )agitate & de-volatilization)

Sous vide isn’t horrible, but 100C (boiling water) is faster, and cheap/easy to repeat the temp on…anytime anywhere…so that’s my standard go to.

How close to Boiling will your sous vide go?

I think we’re up at about 120C on our production units.

Not really “volatile”, but does produce a lot of gas. Every molecule of thca looses a molecule of CO2. Gasses take up a LOT more room than liquids or solids. You could follow down this rabbit hole if you wanted to understand more…,

The math has been worked and left laying around.