Quality food grade glass... My f**** ass!

Well… They said its good glass that doesnt brake…

Mental note

You should always use plastic tools when mixing with crappy store bought glass… No matter how cool the patent might be to drain the solution.

And if it says quality on the glass direclty…SSecond gguess it and go buy borosilicate…

:)) damn sunday training sessinons

Did you come here from reddit too?


Nah braaaah instagram!!


What was the jar used for?

It looks old as fuck


Extraction and adsorbent mix… Kinda nice when u let it settle and just drain off the menstum in a laid back fashion…

Thats why its a sad day been with me for years now…

Asshole storage. You can see some colon up there on the left and some kidneys on the top right if you squint a bit

That one actually made my black humor vein react​:confounded::confounded: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::joy:


HAHAHAHA - grew up with a cop. My black humor vein is half my body now. He’d come home after cutting someone down from the scene of a suicide and go “FUCK WHAT A BORING DAY AT WORK, I WAS JUST HANGING AROUND ALL…oh…”


As the future4200 turns. It’s like a FN reddit soap opera.

Glass looks old
Was glass in extreme cold when it broke?
What was inside when it broke?
Was that rubber gasket rated for the material that was in it?

I’m still lost on what is actually the issue or problem. Or is it to be continued tomorrow?


Hence the keen eye for kidney and other orgams :slight_smile:

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Yes indeed:

The moral of this story ia to use soft plastic tools while mixing your adsorvents, before filtration in cheap glass - non boro.

Broke when mixing adsorbents with a hard plastic spatula–change to silicone…

The glass is a 6 year old store buy that went through 50+ of winterizations.

No idea on the plastic, food grade of somekind probabbly.

Its more of a situational warning for noobs likemyself :stuck_out_tongue:

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Like ur work btw :slight_smile:

I’ve put 1/2 gal mason jars directly in di for winterizing. I’ve never broke one, but was always scared when doing so. So I went to stainless steel stock pots.

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Just use stainless steel.



There are a lot of people on here that can do glass repairs.

That’s literally just a Mason jar with some holes drilled in it…

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Yeah masons are preety thick compared to this one…

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Thank you for understanding the emotional value of a long relationship :slight_smile: but I think this one is going to be replaced by a newer plastic girl :))

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This is the kind of shit that causes accidents.