Hey guys. Is it detrimental to let crumble or shatter or any other concentrates settle at room temp before getting a vac pulled on them? Like If crumble isn’t fully purged but sits out, can you process the residual solvents out? Or will they be stuck in there?
Think about jar tek…
You can still get it out.
How would you guys do it? It left out and now it’s a really nice solid muffin. I need to get it tested so I want to make sure it’s purged properly. What is a good temp in this situation?
I’ve got at full vac at 75 and I’m thinking about raising it 10f per day till it’s at 120/5
My biggest concern is losing this great muffin that formed. It’s a sold loaf and I’m concerned it will flatten out if I raise temps too much too fast
I haven’t used this tek in a long time but some batches would never harden up. If you have a solid honeycomb like crumble, it should be fully purged unless it seems wet and dense.
Agreed if its solid hard crumble u should be pretty much void solvent . Especially if u pulled vac and the muffin froze as crumble cookie. You can Raise the temp to drop the muffin but its probably good as gold
That’s what’s strange. It was just left out and turned solid with no vac or heat. I’ve got temps up and full vac and it’s still solid cookie
19 posts were merged into an existing topic: Dialing in BHO purge for novice user?