Pure Pressure Commercial Hash Washing Set up + Press For Sale

Item Model/Manufacturer: Pure Pressure
Description: 65 Gal Pure Pressure Washing Vessel + collection vessels pumps and accessories + Pikes Peak Press
Price/MSRP: $ 26,000
Current location of item: Michigan
Estimated lead time: 10 Days
Fulfillment: Direct from seller
User support / Warranty: Brand New Equipment No warranty
Shipping: Buyer pays

Willing to sell separately but all together will go for $19k:

Insulated Wash Vessel (65 gal): $3k

2 collection vessels (44 gal): $1,500 ea

Platform: $1800

Pumps (Leader 1HP) (2x) : $500 ea

(6x) 1.5" ball valves: $65 ea

(9x) 1.5" 90 degree elbows: $30

(3x) 1.5" check valves: $170 ea

(2x) wye tri clamps: $40 ea

(1x) tee tri clamps: $25

(1x) 2" sight glass: $50

(1x) Bruteless temperature gauge: $80

(1x) Digital temp probe: $150

(1x) 4" straight piece: $40

(1x) wash paddle with holes: $40

(2x) 44 gallon triangular dollies: $250 ea

(7x) 1.5-3/4" ss hose barb: $10ea

Gaskets, hosing, clamps, connectors, replacements for fittings : incl in package

Pure Pressure Pikes Peak Press V2 Not used: $8k

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Is this still available. Please email matt@blessedextracts.com if it is. Thank you