What volumes are you pumping and what vessels are you moving in and out of? A couple years ago I was doing bulk winterization and filtration with bright tanks and lenticular filters and moving 500+ gallons of -80 oleoresin with a used slurry pump that I think came from some jelly/jam factory or something.
Ask for Serge. If your’e not in CA, he’ll ship.
It depends on your scale though and your shop capacity I guess, but it 110% works really well. I changed the seals on them is about all, and they pushed 100+L an hour of the filthiest darkest fattiest vile warm BHO crude I’ve ever touched, through 3, 16" x 4 lenticular filters like it was water for first pass winterization and left less than 1% fats. Don’t call McMaster-Carr though, they hate plants and fire hash.
Is a pump a requirement ? Would pushing your solution with a noble gas be an option? Maybe something like nitrogen? Certainly be much easier and cheaper if so.