Psilocybin SOPs

So ur saying they nothing i cam dp,dump the rye berries ams reSTART…I heard bird seed works

Whats sop for psi cookin new rye berries
Ill reuse all hiz jars and lids and buy new rye berries÷

Mycohaus has a great all in one spawn bag.


There’s also this place, and I believe it’s someone’s wife here that runs and makes all of the bags. CapsNStems I’ve used their bags, and I was impressed with the quality. Take that with a grain of salt, because their’s is the only bags I’ve used.


I’ve only used mycohaus’s bags . I’ve used midwestern mushroom’s jars and 2 other places jars. Midwestern Mushroom lives up to their reputation for jars. MycoHaus only sells bags but they’re worth it especially if you do the 79F heating thing.

I’ll totally try the 6LB spawn from capsnstems at some point.

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Copelandia fresh and with lemon tek is incomparable. With 10g lemon tek is neccesary be amarred to a tree or will put in orbit like a rocket in minuts.

Pans for ever

10g lemon tek or not is going to put you on a ride for sure.


So my jars worked great but every bag didn’t go.

And yeah I found out tossing a successful piece rye berry into jar new berries and shake and you can restart everything.

One jar was just reused and I tossed more cleaned rye berries into it and shook and it kicked off

I’m having to play around with casing depth now


The jars you had to re-cook?

Did you inoculate them differently? Different syringes? Glove box or still air box?

How big are the jars, as compared to the bags…Hint Hint

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Don’t take 5gs of PE. 1.5-2gs (dry) sends many to the moon. Maybe they meant fresh? Be safe…

Putting dry fruit bodies in lemon juice just makes it easier to consume. I don’t believe there are any awesome chemical reactions happening other than taste and texture changes.

  • I could be wrong about everything above. Just what I think, YMMV
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The jars are much smaller than the bags and nothing…inoculation w spore syringes. I did the same with jars the jars go crazy…bags nothing at all. I should have shaken them right after to spread it out more away from the hot bottom. Yet another reason I think jars are better, somehow the glass spreads the heat out from bottom heater.

I got some beautiful mycelium jars going from the Hawaiian copelandias. I just gotta get this casing depth right and get use to using a tray. And what casing works the best. I have assortments fromm cow manure straw 50/50…horse nabure strW 50/50 and lil cow plain and manure mushroom mix. Ill play around

In the meantime I need to learn how to sterilize rye bsrries in pressure cooker so I.csn make my own jars

And I’m also gonna focus on an easier grown Amazonian pes bc they the standard way i was taught

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What, are you kidding me? Lol
Have you powdered up 2 grams and put in citrus juice. And TOOK A SHOT of SHROOMS?..15 MIN onset 25 min peaking VS 45 - 60 min
FOE SURE. :exploding_head:

And decrease your trip time down by average of 2 hours :kissing_heart:

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Do you see what I mean? It’s a race against time…WHEN SPORE SYRINGES ARE USED!
In the morning I’ll get on the computer vs my phone and hit you up.

Tricks of the trade perhaps?


yeah a piece inoculated rye berries being very clean place it in new jar and in few days is covered vss over a week

Outta 10 jars 1 got a green mold barely somehiw. I tossed it ouf

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Wait untill you get into slurry tek.
Imagine that one piece of rye covered in mycelium VS water mycelium. :exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head:


I tossed piece covered rye Into small jar sterilize water and honey tossed it in the warm box…its making white swirls gonna wait till it thicker and shake it and inject jf to clean jar to see what happens

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You Still got some time to finish…
Most of my contams showed during tub colonization.


Ooo hell yea

I did not have all the tools … I have now… NICE :face_with_monocle:


my current SOP uses LC then two grain generations then a bulk fruit. but I’m thinking of fruiting from bags like the exotic growers moving forward.

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slurry, as in blended colonized grain+water? how do you not over water your substrates if you innoc with this method.


What’s up with shroomery? I don’t think everything is working fine.

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