Psilocybin Chocolate - Can they legally be sold anywhere?

Not legally but are being sold at some of the black market clubs…

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The raided the fuck outta the plant church a few months ago…

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Phish lot. That is your best bet in the US. Still some risky biscuits though.


They do, using some sort of Canadian only payment system, but I’m pretty sure this is grey as well.

However out front of Lift Expo 2019 in Vancouver, a guy had a pop up table setup on the sidewalk with a bunch of various psychadelic mushrooms and goodies. Right in front of a couple cops that didn’t give af


Mushrooms and mushroom chocolates can be found from online Canadian dispensary websites but like future said they use a Canadian only payment system and it’s still a grey area.


Downtown Vancouver cops are so very lax, I once had a business partner get stuck with 3lbs from a 100 pack drop that the custy didnt like and on his way back to the house got pulled over and searched, found the 3lbs in the back seat in a backpack and because the cops were “too busy with drunk drivers” that night they let him keep his weed and drive off. after that he made a rule that all packs were vac sealed & in da trunk! lol

Almost every mail order cannabis dispensary in Canada is selling mushrooms now. Whole shrooms, Chocolate, Gummies, Freezies you name it. I have a grey market brand that I want to move in to the legal market when the opportunity arises. Hence my questions in where it might be legal

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The laws recently passed do not include retail sales.


@Future Can back you up on this , superfunguy makes some great products aswell.

Yes I have had several of their products. The Moonlander pills are cool. Their chocolate was out of temper and crumbly

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I never thought about popsicles, that’s an interesting idea

I have some mutual friends with them, ill pass on the review of the chocolate!

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in my house, i make the rules. so, yeah man, totally legal. In fact i have my own constitution. so were cool. btw, is that bittersweet chocolate?


you could walk down robson or in yaletown smoking a joint and they would never stop you, and that was years before legalization.
BC has always been more relaxed when it came to public consumption and weed in general

BC is a wild place. The difference between legal and black market is so small. Just additude . Haha.


Whaaat they banned fungi in 08?! Really glad I went in 07 now then. Lol

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Is BC legal?

No mushrooms are not legal in BC. Canada isnt like the US . Laws are federally standard. So same in all provinces. Judges interpret sentencing for crimes different, so its made BC look really lax compared to other provinces. You can go online and order grey market Lbs of weed , mushrooms whatever - not legal but from fully legal looking websites. Crazy times .

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