It sounds pretty obvious, but more times then not there will be photos or videos holding & displaying products without wearing gloves.
It’s not a ‘HUGE’ ordeal but it does automatically reflect poorly on the great things actually going on. Just something I’ve noticed that tends to help companies portray a more accurate or better representation of their operation.
Much Love,
Also dont get too lazy, put gloves one when ur handling solvents. I tend to spray some acetone on a paper towel and use it to wipe something down. I noticed the skin on my hands started peeling a bit after doing it to manh times without gloves on
Just wear appropriate PPE in general, its not just for looking cool in front of the cameras!!! gloves are important, coats/smocks/body suits, safety glasses and face shields are just as, if not more important! Hair/beard nets are also pretty important in some environments.

A little common sense goes a long way! stay safe guys!