Pros and cons of using 80/20 butane/propane?

Anyone here using an 80/20 mix of butane/propane? How well does it work? Where did you aquire? What’s the standard color and quality?

Do you like it more than isobutane?

It’s clean burning - not like the rest of those bastard gasses.

By the way some people say it tastes better when you don’t clean the collection pot - we don’t eat those people’s labs.


The problem with using blends is, every run, unless you have a spare tank of butane to add what you lose each run. Your blend ratio is going to change, each and every run.
Isobutane is nice, has a quick recovery speed. If you’re not extracting very cold, the minimal loss with efficiency won’t matter, all that much. But the colder you get, the more it’ll act like propane at colder temperatures (low thca extraction, high terpenes) and give you a significantly lower yield. Like 25-40% lower.
N-butane (Normal Butane, yes that’s what the “N” stands for), personally, is the easiest to work with and give you the best results. Having a propane blend won’t necessarily give you faster recovery, as the added pressure from the propane in the beginning will slow your butane recovery down, until it get enough butane in there to reduce the pressure of just to mostly propane.

I’d stick with Normal Butane, personally.


I recently switched from 70/30 solely to improve my recovery. Although we evaporate the propane mix faster, condensing it is harder.

With that said, I did prefer the ACTUAL EXTRACTION of well maintained 70/30. I would distill 2 50lb tanks and continually top off my gas, which maintains a relatively good ratio. Through the 80lbs.

Now I run most extractions with butane and save the 70/30 for my special stuff, and the only real difference I see is terps and recovery speed.

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