Proper decarboxylation temperatures

As a former certified chef, anytime you cook or bake anything at all, internal temps will never reach over 180f, even baking at 500f.

Proof is here.
Most meats must be cooked until an internal temp is 165f. It takes chicked breasts 30 mins at 400f to hit 165*f.


Maybe if you used a high speed mixer to ensure even heating? :thinking:

That’s very true, oil based baked good will still get hotter faster then water based though

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No matter what you cook, even a filet on the grille will never get above 180f. Maybe 200 if cooking well done.

This is why decarb is a must before baking to ensure a thoroughly decarbd product for ingestion.


Again I definitely agree, I’ve used only distillate for edibles for years now

Saw this post the other day. The paper on decarbing looks interesting.

We do 135C for about 30 minutes with a stir bar creating a vortex under vacuum (in the SPD with couple of thousand microns, adjust vacuum level to prevent muffin as needed). The labs show undetectable levels for CBDA and low levels of CBN (<1%). I see the most reaction within the first 10 minutes or so, after that it bubbles kinda like Guinness beer until it goes completely calm like a like.


Did you ever get this answered?

Has anyone ever used a comb to decarboxylate oil?

how is that, could you give a little explanation?

I do 235°F for 30mins for rso in my kitchen oven and it’s usually great

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Ok so 235f for 30 mins got it, is this the same for 1g and 500g?

If you scale the vessel size with the concentrate amount should be about the same amount of time

Hell no. I’ve decarbed tons of crude, there is no formula. Some batches, same size take longer.


I’ve done it up to 20gr… Honestly probably should go a different method at that amount

Yes I’m just pointing out the bad advice

How to decarb is heat the oil until it stops bubbling

This is going to vary with temperature and type of oil. Shatter decarbs faster than crc sugar etc. the one thing that stays true is that when it stops bubbling it is done




If I’m decarbing for vape oil I also vac after decarb to remove residual CO2 so it doesn’t bubble when I fill carts.

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Sorry, Is ardent cannabis