Propane/pentane mix for closed loop

Any one ever try using a pentane/propane mixture in a closed loop extractor? Seems like it should work.

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Have not tried it yet but I see it as a potential solution for extracting CBG without ethanol. Seeing as butane and propane have such low affinity for it.

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This sounds miserable lol. Look up “glide” as it pertains to refrigerants, the short answer is you’ll really be moving to propane around your system while the pentane just hangs out in your collection


propane would (help) guarantee liquid pentane


The liquid phases would stay mixed, but the propane would fractionally distill off first at recovery and then you would have to recover the pentane last.


Sounds epic. Fill column with pentane and push out with propane or butane

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Truth be told I am just interested in playing with gas mixes. There has been much debate at my work about propane/butane ratios and I have been experimenting with different solvent mixes for crystallization. I was curious if propane and pentane would azeotrope and basically behave like butane.

I will definitely be doing more research on the things mentioned in the replies. Thank you all!

They will not. They are very separable by distillation