Propane for mining

curious if anyone here is using propane for making their diamonds. i remember reading propane dissolves less thc than other hydro carbons. would temp fluctuations and higher psi with propane help diamonds form bigger and faster than just butane. if you use straight propane for diamonds show some pictures and maybe some spoon fed info on there process(jk it’d be cool to get basic steps you take though. i’ve been playing with an aceton pentane mixture usually takes me bout a week but i’m not getting the size i want but the formations are pretty unique and different looking . uu

what shape- i had sharksteeth

Propane is going to require some pretty sturdy equipment to keep it from going boom.


Everyone I know who make propane Diamonds uses propane for the initial extraction but uses nbutane for the pour and actual crashing of thca. This is done by injecting the desired amount of nbutane in your collection vessel before you push any propane into it . When your done recovering all your extract will be dissolved into nbutane


I have a large collection and its bad for hot propane. but isnt a 6 inch sturdy enough?

I prolly did it during pressure testing but my 12 inch collection is bowed out at the bottom a mm or 2

@thumper the combination gives me more rectangular diamonds and shard like diamonds i’ll take some pictures and upload them tomorrow. i even had a layer form on the top and a layer on the bottom and solution in between.

@Dred_pirate ofncoirsebtoi will need vessel that can handle the pressure i figure today’s market it’s an easier demand to meet especially with actual diamond miners

@Saucyslabz i have heard of that method plenty of times usually that’s going into a jar or pyrex dish. o figured with what’s in the market today maybe propane could be a good crystalizer especially with thc not being as Soluble

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you need 350 psi rating to be safe

i have run mixes and butane but i thought 2x max was a safety? I did turn up the nitrogen in testing is why i think my collection bowed. is 350psi how you make a diamond? I use a glass jar.

I don’t think the juice is worth the squeeze in this case. I’d stick with butane. Less pressure to deal with and you’ll get bigger diamonds. You want bigger diamonds yet, go with pentane. Just make sure to completely redissolve any and all diamonds/seeds that may have already formed when redissolving to help reduce the rate of nucleation and seeding if you want to grow em big. Otherwise you’ll wind up with many smaller formations vs fewer large formations.


I’m thinking the new magic is to force medusa stone and recrash in pentane

the medusa stones are like a cold crash without the freezer needed


I was playing with that. The sauce still has thca though


You’d force Medusa stones? Why not just sugar the pan and spin it, then recrash

Nothing “new” there


Or make diamonds in butane.


i want to make diamonds with as many different solvents that are available and that would be good for crystallization.

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If your vessel has bowed out on the bottom from pressure I would advice against using this ever again. The morphed spot is a potential catastrophe waiting to happen. I don’t wanna read about ur death one day so please if any metal ever changes shaped retire the vessel immediately for safety precautions. Good lord please don’t use this anymore!!! I hope I just read that wrong and ur not using it or it was like that from the beginning


It’s not easy to make big diamonds with propane. If you don’t have a stainless pressure vessel it’s not going to be fun. Why not just start with butane?


Alright but for science’ sake, if we have the right vessels rated for propane how would the process change? If low and slow makes bigger diamonds then couldn’t you use a chiller to maintain desired pressures and then benefit from propane selectivity?

You could get the advantage of said selectivity by swapping into butane post extraction.

Can it be done? Sure.


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