I have solvent heavy crude that was created by my sonicator that I would like to send to our partner to be processed into distillate. I have off gassed the crude in the C1D1 down to a thick syrup consistency. I do not have a rotovap currently. I have vac ovens and C1D1 currently, also cryo freezer. What would be the next steps to making this suitable for them to process? should I not be using ISO?
I have some older fresh frozen material that I would like to make the same trade with, this material was thawed and refrozen. I wanted to extract it on my X10 and process into crude for distillate extraction. I am guessing there is no need mix with ethanol and dewax because i am extracting at -75c. What would be the best process to prep this for them?
FYI - i ahve only processed dry material in the past for a trade like this, want to see if there are more efficient ways of doing this
In my experience - just tell them what you have done and let them sort out the rest. Assuming that someone who can process crude into distillate, probably also can handle LEL, winterization, decarb, etc. They can probably also do ISO recovery - depending on their equipment.
People have sent me all kinds of weird stuff. Knowing what they have and haven’t done with it always helps get it to something nicer faster.
For your FF material - you are going to run it for them and then had off a gangly crude right? Again, just let them know what happened. So they understand impurities (water, plant materials, extra chlorophyll, etc.).
Seems like you don’t have the tools to be winterizing and decarbing on your end - so just let them know what kind of CRUDE it is and let them handle it. Assuming they have the equipment and are interested in handling it.
Your stuff is currently frozen, sucking on it causes evaporative cooling. I’ve lyophilized hundreds of plant and fungal samples without bothering to freeze them first. DNA & psychoactives both preserved beautifully…