Pregabalin being sold as Muscimol isolate and extracts, possibly by a user here

you a grown ass whole man still in your feelings about another whole ass grown man lmao

you do bring up some good points mah boi. maybe its time to re verify some of these hemp slangers especially the level 3s. There have been numerous suspecious sales post latley that all seem pretty suspect. Funny how the same people are always having a FIRE SALE for the fam on shitty, sub par materiel that they are always so desperatly trying to sell under market value

again whats the point for paying for a membership to be verified when its just a literal shit show free for all and now we are straight up slanging research chemicals and back door weed as “thca” lmao

bro bro really thinking hes selling THCA batter and thca HTE as hemp LMAO


Holy crap.
This makes way too much sense.

As a prescribed pregabalin user, it was ALWAYS uncanny to me how similar the effects of muscimol were, anecdotally - to that of the “undesirable” side effects I have personally experienced when I have accidentally mixed kava and pregabalin. So uncanny, that the store I have a stake in NEVER picked up any type of muscimol derivative product.

This is fascinating. Sketchy, and fascinating.

Anyone in this forum can make use of this - I am sure it’s already shared elsewhere, but I’m taking notes.

We are on the cusp of a huge boom or a huge bust and I’m praying for all of our livers.

Thank you so much for sharing friend

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