Potency Testing - D8-THCV and D10-THC

I am looking for a lab that has a standard for D8-THCV and D10-THC.

Does anyone know of a capable lab? Someone referred me to Gobi in Colorado for the D10, but I still am waiting to hear back from them.

Having to show customers a chromatagraph is less than ideal atm.

Any information is appreciated.

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@AlexSiegel can definitely identify and quantify D8 and D10

Be interested to know who has standards for D8-THCV


D8-thcv is available as certified standard.
D10 not yet. What type of samples are you dealing wiith ?


Hey @Dr_Jebril

I have some D8-THCV isolate converted from CBDV. Pretty solid substance, that breaks off into powder and shards.

Do you know of a lab with a D8-THCV standard?



I can measure d8.
Still, I’m in Switzerland (sending samples of CBD isolate, for testing the CBD content inside is ok… :wink: ).

I can also measure d10, based on few assumptions. I do not have any standard yet, nor found out how to synthesize for the moment… but there many report here that many labs often confuse it with CBC. Using my method, I have indeed seen a range of typical samples (specific distillates from the same sources, and some rare flowers) where there can be CBC and another peak just after. Sometimes both are here, sometimes, in very special distillates, it seems CBC has been turned to the other (while other cannabinoid are not apparently affected)… based on a series of observation like this, I inferred that this mysterious peak is d10. It seens to be there in natural flower, but generally at very low levels, below 0.05%.

Thus, I you have sample mainly containing d8 and d10 (or also other), I cannot ensure you that the stuff is d10, but I can at least quantify it. :woman_shrugging:


So you can measure D8-THCV and not just D8-THC?

HA no my bad. :woman_facepalming:
I apologize, I did not paid attention to the “V”. I can measure the normal D8 and D10 THC. But not the varin analogues. For the moment I only spot D9-THCv and CBDv.

Playing around with synthesis I will spot d8-THCv soon, along with CBGv.
But I think those one I may get them from Cayman scientific, not sure.

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If anyone needs d10 testing and can get it to us in California, let us know.

D8-thcv isn’t one we have yet


And in fact, is this are pure isolates of many sort, there is anyway always possibility to assess purity (both qualatively and quantitatively) with GC-FID and identify with a combination of other spectroscopic or diffraction methods.

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is it possible for something like Delta 8 THCV abe to occur naturally within a plant or is it the result of conversion or a reaction?


Possible… Probably. In 2020 I think it’s more likely a cbdv variety or d9thcv variety was converted to make this.

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I would also say NMR, and IR would be useful. A lot of chemistry labs at my university use multiple analytical methods.

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Based on the fact that D8-THC is found in D9-THC flower in small amounts, I wouldn’t be surprised if D8-THCV was in some of these strains with higher D9-THCV. Once labs get a standard for it im sure it might start popping up.

Might be taking you up on this in the near future. Some 95% stuff tested, but would like to get it done at another lab.

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The CBDV I have is a pure hemp derived isolate. The samples from Cayman and other labs are great for getting a clear picture though given the pharmaceutical potency. More labs really do need standards for the propyl cannabinoids, and others coming down the pike(ie: THCP, CBN-D, etc)


Sure. I think it will develop faster now that many folks are venturing into synthesis.

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We can perform the testing for both D8-THCV and D10-THC. D8 is in our standard screen on the HPLC and D10-THC is now available on our LC-MS/MS.

KCA Labs THC Isomers Screen.pdf (88.8 KB)

Edit: I should mention the addition of exo THC, too. Others to be added soon.


Nice, where are you located?

Nicholasville, Kentucky which is just south of Lexington.