Portland, OR - New Julabo 30L Chiller for sale/trade

Portland, OR, pickup only, no delivery. If you know about these chillers, great, if not, note that they have to be air shipped from PA and really taken care of when transporting, because any damage to the microprocessor can void the great warranty Julabo gives.

We have a brand new, on pallet, never used, Julabo 2503, -20C Chiller 30L Capacity

AI has some good info on the series here:

Also have 30L of new Thermal EG if you need the bath fluid for it.

This is not a 3 phase chiller.
Send me a private message for my phone number and I can text you pics or receipts or whatever you need to know :smile:
Taking any offers- equipment, product, trade, cash.
Take care!

Bump- brought this home from the farm. It’s just been sitting, let’s trade!