Portable Analyzers

Has anyone experience with Portable Drug Analyzers

I realize they’re more oriented for in field and for being used for LEO, but damn I’d like one of these to just have. Using Raman Spectroscopy in a handheld device.

Curious if anyone ever has used a mobile product like this with testing material for potency?

This isn’t going to detect potency in any accurate measure.

More or less just to identify unknown powders to determine what it’s mostly made up of.


I read it can detect what was on leaves so I thought that it may be capable of some cannabinoid / plant products, but had no idea on the capabilities other than identifying.

I’d love a cheap portable hemp detector. Not joking. Please help.


I’ve used this one a bit. It’s consistent, fast, small, and very portable. but it does have limitations.

For instance the LOQ is 2% for THC. So you will need a different tool for determining true compliance. But it points you in the right direction.


Very cool. That’s definitely more for what I want. Ty

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More specifically, my friend would like to check flower to be sure it has over say 10% THC to be sure it’s worth buying. Has to be an easier way than,”Hey man, I’ll definitely take a lb if this joint kicks in soon”…

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but is it as much fun?

will any hand held tester work better than that joint as far as really letting you know if the biomass is worth extracting?

edit: I’m a fan of a test extraction and 3rd party pesticide testing.


I’ve heard of people pressing flower rosin to get an idea of yield/color, add the alkaline beam test to make sure it’s not cbd and you have a viable strategy


i use that at work all the time. I prefer the aampules for conviction rates/// OOPS.

Except many strains just don’t squish well.


I wonder how viable cannabinoids profile testing will be as they grow. I bough some THC Victory seeds and I’m really curious how early we can start to see the profiles develop

Contact Icon Scientific if you wan an actual HPLC potency analyzer that is portable. Tell them I recommended it! I’ve been talking to the developer and the hardware in this thing is the real deal. It’s an actual HPLC instrument with UV detection.



That thing is an absolute piece of crap. If it had built in bluetooth speakers it might actually be worth something. Basically it’s a random number generator.