Pope 2” with all the fixins!

Item Model/Manufacturer: Pope
Description: 2” unit
Price/MSRP: $45k new. Asking 25k
Current location of item: Arizona
Estimated lead time: Immediately available
Fulfillment: you come get it
Warranty: Guaranteed to work!

Had the unit a few years. Got all the gear, heater, chiller etc. Several vacuum pumps. Machine needs a cleaning but will operate as is just fine. Will also teach you how to use if you pay my asking price and pay for my flight and hotel out to where ever you set it up. Will post pics later this evening. Also have peristaltic* pump for unit. Just need holding vessel.

*correction - this is a weed website after all… :man_shrugging:

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Peristaltic pump?


Or does it come with an heart?

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Yea… it comes with a heart. Freshly beating.

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Poe’s Pope: comes with beating heart…

Is this available?

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Is this sold ?

Still available if any interested
