[POLL] Domain For Cannabinoid Manufacturing Company

After doing some market research I realized I can provide manufacturing services for other brands at, at least 50% what any other company quoted me, and still have a healthy margin. Converting business model of assembly from pumping personal line to producing for others. Going to launch a separate domain for this reason. Would love some input.
Also, wow! Just got to using this forum right. Been reading through so many threads. Exciting to have a community in the business and happy to be involved.

What can you manufacture and what would be the price to me?
Lets say a 50lb solvent tank.
Can i vote for something not on the list?
Dabricator(s) (fabricators)


Could buy all 4 and have them redirect to the one you like the most


Sorry for the misunderstanding. I guess manufacturing may have different meaning to me than others. We will be doing end user product assembly. Labeling and packaging etc.

If your into making carts I can sell you cbdcartz.com

May I ask how?

Probably a variety of factors that go into why my cost is so much cheaper.

  1. Minimum wage employees. I hired all my old fraternity friends who are smart, and happy to do work for minimum at $12/hr in Arizona.
  2. Invested in label printers
  3. Arizona Warehouse Pricing. Some of the cheapest in America so our overhead is low. Also we are really USING every square foot of this space.
  4. Sourcing. I have been on every forum/market and found the best pricing possible in all categories. On top of that, ordering “as needed” avoided us getting expensive isolate/distillate that other companies held while prices crashed, as prices crashed our margins just got better.
  5. Self-Pay - I pay myself $17/hr, the same as my one operations manager, meaning theres no large salary going out. I own 75% of the business so I am happy working towards dividends rather than lining my pockets. I’m 22, so I do not feel the pressure to have a large base salary.

You’re starting a company and you PAY YOURSELF? Must be a really good company because I’ve never heard of that working lol

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I dont pay myself i just buy ice cream whenever I feel like it