Pigment condenasation effect, terminological name

Hey guys, great day to all…

Amidst all the collor remeduation threads and talk about discoloration of extracts pinning down likely suspects for removal, **someone somehwere mentioned a terminology term for pigments condensing,**forming a dark tincture when solvent is absent and becoming much lighter when the added solvent is present… .

If there wasnt even a syrup analogt thrown around for an easyer understandment.

What was it the : “laasseur-bordex effect” or “lasseux - moiro effect”.

Im Making this up just to start a possible association, but i think like 90% there was a french name involved…

If anyyyyone knows what im talking about please help a guy remember,since Ibeen trying the search bar for days now…

Thanx in advance my alzheimer isnt getting anybetter :slight_smile:

Perhaps you were talking about the discussion of pigment agglomeration that is commonly called “flocculation” which happens when your mixture is not stabilized (heat, pH, mixing, settling, etc.).

I feel like both words are almost kind of french but not really…

It is sort of discussed here: Bleaching earth

Not really - but it does talk about color remediation, flocculation, agglomerates, and condensation all in the same thread. Its forever old and a fuckton of posts.

Here is a laymen’s article on pigment flocculation/agglomerates its specific to paint, but the references it provides discussion of pigments in organic solvents, nanoparticles, and a smidgeon about the American standards for testing pigments and their various qualities.

Good luck with your quest against Alzheimers - that’s a bitch took my great grandma from me. :frowning:


Heh I knew a knight in shining armour I respect would save me push me yet down another wormhole.

Imma check that out… Thank you sir.

You are allways an endless source of quality info.

Someone called it out by name thoguh Ill let you know when I pinpoint the culprit and the respective terminology.


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Maybe a vacation in the tropics is just what you need…


Surely better than those tropic sativas :slight_smile: