Piggybacking off someone else's Hemp License

Is it possible to have a bunch of “representatives/distributors” for your company working in multiple different locations and states?
For example if someone has a hemp license in kentucky, can the cbd that is processed there be transfered over to another state to be sold or do all aspects of the operation need to be done in kentucky before being shipped to the consumer?
Can you have a packing/labeling facility in california and grow and make all the cbd in kentucky and use one license?

I want to start selling cbd/cbg to local smoke shops but dont have a hemp license, does anyone want to let me use their license so i can market my products? My own brand and my own supply, i just need a license to show the store owners.

You only need the license to grow. Some states require licensing for processing.
Hemp as product. Ie flower, and finished concentrates are US industrial goods and dont require a license.
As for interstate commerce it can get a little trickier. As different States go off different thc requirements, being delta 9 levels or total thc levels. So be sure to check the requirements.
I cant speak for Kalifornia though. All thier shits wack. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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