Yes you’re correct I missed that. This is why I hate SSRs lol. Give me a regular ole switch any day of the week
Nope. Preventing homogeneous is NOT your goal…
You’re heating to lower viscosity. That is all. You (presumably) homogenized properly before you load(ed).
If you didn’t, what happens in your heated syringe isn’t going to change the lack of homogeneity one way or the other.
So what all do I need? Or what I have will not work, and I should heat tape the heat strips, then wire those to a small battery?
A 12V DC 1 amp supply is small and cheap if you wish to continue.
I agree with @graywolf, no battery at all. Buy a power supply as he linked and wire it per my drawing. If you like I can show you what it would look like if you had a heater that took 120v
I am gonna buy this. When I get it, I wire it to my SSR, PID and my heat pad? Or just wire my heat pad to that power supply?
I’ll send you a schematic in a minute.
wire the heat directly to the 12v supply OUTPUT
THEN wire one leg of INPUT from the power supply across your SSR output
Thanks for the correction. Someone had said distillate was homogeneous in a thread I can check the thread for it to check what it said, thanks again.
You don’t like @SidViscous’s ?!?
Ok. Let me buy this.
When I buy the power supply will I need to strip it?
This is the heat pad wires I need to connect.
This is the gear i have to work with currently. Buy the power supply and I’m good to go or do I not need any of this anymore?
What is the 120VAC line and Common??
120 Volt Alternating Current is black wire from wall plug.
Common is the white wire from a 120VAC wall plug.
I have a black and white wire I connected to my PID. Pretty sure I got it right idk.
Those same black and white wires power the 12 VDC power supply.
Ok. Buying the power supply rn. Do I need anything else?
Wire, connectors, shrink wrap. I also typically solder my connectors, but not necessary.
I have wire. Just need some heat tape ig.