PGR or Mechanically Trimmed?


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The drier sheets were horrible, having to use a sweater rack to steam them open cause they were packed in a garbage compactor for those oh so handy rope handled 25 bales. Whole list of crazy things found in those back in the day.


There are still rec places in MI that use paclo. I forget the amount, but you can add it at flip and still come up under LOD at test time.



Shit I stand corrected

Didn’t Gilbert, I mean Berner get exposed for using PGRs?


Phosphoload had the meme up in a story not to long ago, couldn’t find it in a post when I just checked


Trim and brush

On the stick only. A-nugs need no hugs.

I have no idea how you’d start a state PGR compliance program. So many. Doubt there’s safe levels.

6 years deep and haven’t heard a peep. Only folks who’ve gotten on the bus seem to get it and steer clear, warning people like me to “grow your own”.

I could be wrong, but I think you could have a 55 gallon drum of name brand pgr juice with an inspector being present and still be open the next day with no fines. Please somebody tell me I’m wrong. @anyone

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This wasn’t trimmed like that…it was def. machine trimmed with a tumbler which does the same thing…knocks all the trics off the outside…these were too rounded for hand trimmed…I wont buy anything that tight again…it was a pre-pack…I learned my lesson with the dispos in places I don’t know…always look before ya buy…


I’m sure your 100% right bro…it just pisses me off that people wont take the time to do what’s right, cutting corners and poisoning everyone who buys their sht…I’d personally sleep better at night selling someone meth or heroin, at least they are will participants in the poisoning. Assholes who use paclo or any synthetic PGR deserve to be fed it for breakfast in their cereal without their knowledge.

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How standard is this kind of trimming? Is it really what customers want?

In my circles the less touched bud is more preferred. Everyone back in the day used to get brick weed, vac packed or in some cases even more handled flower.

Holding the bud in hand and brushing it like that, anyone has a guess how much trichomes are lost? Or it doesn’t really matter as outer bud trichomes still get fucked in totes, packaging etc? Never really thought about it.

“In my circles the less touched bud is more preferred.” Thank You and TRUE THAT!!

Kids that don’t know better are the reason ppl make weed look like that…1st thing I think when I see super tight and rounded is “why?” 2nd thing: “what kinda shiddy chems are in this?” Why anyone would prefer that is beyond me…

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Hand Trimmed NOT brushed OR machine trimmed…looks like…weed
guess its not preferred in this “Moon Rock” generation… :laughing: :laughing:

GLH dispensary in town here has $30 ounces of beaster smalls. It is machine trimmed and is indistinguishable from PGR bud back when weed was the Wild West.

Where there’s smoke there’s often fire (or not fire in this case) I recall one of the ig meme guys saying you won’t get caught using paclo (assumed it was a type of pgr) if you use under a certain amount at the right time.

Yea…I was at an Exclusive and another one, I cant recall the name now., a couple weeks ago . The latter ?name- had prob. 50 units in big lb glass jars and sht was all graded and tiered…low stuff loked the part, jus like ur sayn…hold up I think I got a pic…puff— that was it…

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Yep I’ve heard the same thing, I’m 99% sure there’s a thread on PGR on here where it is discussed. and a couple ppl were saying the same thing…I’m not down with smoking poison…it’s just a shame ppl are too so greedy that they’re Willing to poison their friends …:man_shrugging:

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23 posts were merged into an existing topic: @Realterpsmatter’s :corn: :leg:

Is there a limit on indoor quality density of nugs and can it be measured?

If so, can you detect PGRs because they are too hard?

bract not calyx