Pentane recrystallization

@Slabby ETS used to make a c1d1 hot plate that plugged into the hot water recirculator that you use for their collection vessel, there wasn’t high enough demand so they stopped making them I believe, but I am sure there out there somewhere.


I conside you are correct it is not a good practice with pentane as your solvent.
I am sorry for the bad advice.

I normally use ethanol to recrystallize substances when I can as I don’t like working
with toxic solvents.

as for and explosion proof hotplate

2 hit under google for c1d1 hotplate.

though the only time I have had problems with hotplates and solvents is when there is
an active arc created on turning the plate on and off.


How long and how many cycles? Looks awesome.

you recrashed these in pentane?
and how long did those take?

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high terpene and high cannabinoid

Maybe using a reactor for the thca mother liquor blend. Allowing the technician to apply heat in a safer manner than a hot plate.

under a fume hood or well ventilated area ofcourse.


@SidViscous Did you ever experiment with the heptane? Have a bunch of that around to play with haha :smile:


Yes but I did it with some really shit reclaim THCa and there was too much junk, I got no crystalization. Also probably ramped too fast. Merits another attempt


How do you do this without air moving over the top of the solution? Shouldn’t this be done in a fume hood?


So I followed this SOP pretty much to a T. The starting material I used was crude extracted with butane ran through CRC (had a crumble-like appearance). My first attempt was on a very small scale (10-15 grams) for a proof of concept that worked well, with fairly large facets considering the amount of crude used. My second attempt, however, where I tried this on a larger scale (100 grams/ jar) was not as successful. I attempted crystallization within 3 jars. One of the three has shown signs of crystallization, but it is moving at an all time slow pace. First sign of crystallization was approximately 1 week after placed at room temperature. A week later and I have about 4 or 5 microcrystals present looking like they have hardly grown over the course of the past week. The other 2 jars have not shown any signs of crystallization. My assumption is that I have too much solvent present. I am going to start thermocycling my two jars that have not shown signs of crystallization in the hopes that I can reduce the amount of solvent present. My question is typically how long does it take for crystallization in pentane with an appropriate ratio of crude to solvent to occur?

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yep. that is certainly the most parsimonious explanation.

so you’re assuming that this will cause them to leak? (how else do you propose that will work then?!?)

why not deliberately burp them to reduce solvent. that way you KNOW when there is solvent to be wary of…


Is it possible the amount of terpenes in each jar could also contribute to this?

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I guess my thought process was that I was going to expose the jars to heat (92F), give them a burp to degas solvent that volatilized within the jar, than place them back at room temperature. Sorry I should have been more clear with my intentions. I am aware that 92F is close to boiling point of pentane, all experimentation is being conducted under a vent hood with the proper PPE.

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Are you suggesting that the % of terpenes present are acting like a “contaminant” preventing me from having the proper potency for THCA to crystallize? I was under the impression that an amount of terpenes was needed to be present for THCA to crystallize

no worries. fact is they probably will leak.

you’re still better off being in control of when (most of) the solvent is released by manually burping.


why not just take a mass of the container, open the lid, wait until the mass reduces to the point you want, and recap? At room temperature you’ll definitely see an adequate pentane evaporation rate. and you won’t have to heat it.


nope. no requirement for terpenes. they act as solvent. if you’ve got too much solvent, your solute stays in solution.

you can absolutely use 100% THCA and 100% pentane. or swap pentane for limonene. or use any mix you damn want to. so long as you get the solubility (saturation) correct.


I appreciate the feedback, I will try and get some photos posted of what I have got so far! appreciate the love and solid advise

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I’m suggesting that the terps are working as addition solvent.


This makes sense to me now. I was attempting a 1:1 ratio of THCA: pentane, probably should go for a 1:0.8 or something to try to counter the amount of terpenes present.