Passive recovery issues

hey guys have had some weird things going on with my passive recovery lately, i have a 6x48 jacketed collection column going to mol sieve then condensing coil submerged in di/iso then into a chilled jacketed solvent tank. so i’ve put easily over 50 runs through this system without any recovery issues ever, running 3/8 valves so abit slower than could be but typically recovering 25lbs in roughly 30 mins or less, anyway this week however recovery has slowed to a halt and im finding my collection and solvent tank equalizing in pressure with the solvent tank chilled to atleast -46 and collection sitting around 90f, recovery is fine up until i get about 3/4 through the solvent then slows majorly and seems the solute isn’t producing pressure even though its under heat. solvent talk will be sitting around -10 hg and collection the same, like i said never had this issue until this week and nothing in the process has changed. i’ve searched all recovery issue threads to no avail so im now being that guy searching for some knowledge aka spoons. any and all help is greatly appreciated, and thanks to every talented amazing individual on this forum i love yall.

Did you check for water in your coil


yea blasted thru line with n2 multiple times theres no flow restrictions, also have changed the mol sieve out every day as per usual sop, really lost on this one honestly. open to any and all suggestions

running cured biomass aswell and havent had this issues even when running live

Is there a shitload of oil in your collection? Although your water heater screens says the right temperature, is the jacket actually the same temp? Is it pumping water through the jacket? Check for a clog somewhere. If it’s not a clog, then try running acetone in your bucket. Acetone gets WAY fucking colder than iso therefor keeping your pressure down in the tank


If you’re running really good material, expect your recovery to take longer than usual. Bottom line to this is either something is clogging it somewhere, your water heater is lying to you, your jacket is clogged and not warming up, or you got a shitload of oil in your recovery pot and it’s slowing things up a lot, or your “iso” bucket it full of water and needs to be changed out with fresh alcohol


always running fullsize, quality i checked water temp as that was my first thought as that happened before heater was displaying incorrect temp, i have full flow going through heater and chiller lines, that was second thought, but i do have a shitload of oil i have been doing multi batch runs just reload and stack in the collection essentially, i hadnt thought that was the issue as ive done numerous run batches in the past with no issues this bad but im thinking the yield is just much higher on this material resulting in the solute being too saturated. thank you @Californialab and @Concentrated_humbold

Hahaha ok that’s your issue. One time I had like 8 units in my recovery and it took a long fucking time. Try to avoid doing your “multi batch” runs unless you are crunching hard on time that day.

Terpenes and oil will trap the butane a little and make it harder to boil off. Also your gas could have pentane as a contaminant

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yea definatly going to be pouring out after every other run from now on, those huge pour outs are just too damn nice looking tho :rofl: just tryna roll with the big boys like yall and @Dred_pirate

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thank you @Apothecary36 i think i found that tipping point today haha, never thought about that pentane tho but i would atleast like to hope my gas supplier is abit better than that as they are a glg vendor

Depends on the isopropyl alcohol used. 99.9% iso will get to the same as acetone. 90% will only go as cold as -40c

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thanks @FicklePickle your right the temp difference is like a mere degree or two difference, ive ran both just rather the smell of iso compared to acetone all day :rofl:

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I recently had issue with passive recovery as well. Usually i can recover into my lp239 with dip tube, but for some reason last tank wouldn’t recover any gas. Anybody else run into this issue?

And if inside ur jacket iced up u won’t get any heat around collection stalling out process.