Pass Drug Tests after Vaping HHC?

Yes. I cover that extensively in my main post: How to Build Multi-Million Dollar Brands -- Ask Me Anything!

Is it sly to claim if it’s true that you can vape HHC and pass drug tests?

Or is it immensely valuable information + product to the consumer?

If I wanted to use a false claim to push product I wouldn’t bother coming here to pose the question, would I?

Regardless, my intent is irrelevant to the discussion.

There are a handful of cry babies following me around on this forum spewing negative shit & contributing nothing valuable. This is commonly seen in capitalism – people who do nothing of value constantly criticizing those who do contribute, wishing for their failure, etc, perhaps because they hate seeing the contributors rewarded handsomely.

I respect that this community is self-governing. You are seeing that in action. But why take the cry babies’ side?

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