Over 1 in 10 high school seniors report using delta-8 THC

what if the other 9/10 become dentists who recommend crest toothpaste?


Crest > Colgate sonnn gang-gang :wink:


Kids these days are soft. Back in my day we dabbed tane soup on a red hot nail with a propane torch listening to dance with the devil by immortal technique


Yep, smoking bricks brought over in diesel trucks and ghosting it so you didn’t smell like weed. If carts and vapes existed when I was in school I would literally never have gotten in trouble.


Still had to use those rohtos though :sweat_smile:


I listened to that the other day on my Rx’d ketamine… It was interesting.

I remember he did Revolutionary 1 and 2 and then that one other album… then dissapeared kinda like MIKE JONES MIKE JONES MIKE JONES who? MIKE JONES lol

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lmao when I graduated highschool we had K2 and spice and no science or anyone to let us on it was sprayed synthetics

Fuck dem kids

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The drug class they’d make us take in high school tested us twice a month, always on the same days. I had my medical card, the other kids would smoke spice and harder drugs that would leave their system quicker.

As u soon as u smoked that stuff, u knew. Funky ass high, total dissociation with whats going on around you


I’m glad I graduated high school in 2005… back in my day weed was weed :rofl: