There shouldn’t be any pesticides in anything you run (hopefully). Are you buying your material from people you trust? Are they getting it tested in any way? If pesticides are a worry, make them test their shit first before you buy it, or you test it. Ideally, you would turn that shit around before it even makes to you.
I do trust him, but he isn’t the grower and unfortunately it’s my only source. I would like to just be able to take anything I get and run it into a clean product especially because I give away a lot of the finished product to friends in need, so I can’t spend a whole lot.
I’m ok with spending the little extra on media, if it means I don’t have to take risks finding more trim sources if that makes sense
I feel you. It’s an expensive process to remediate pesticides, and is something that is only done when it is needed because the process is very specific. I would factor in the cost of a pesticide test for every batch that you get. What’s spending $50-100 to ensure there’s no pesticides in it? Factor up the cost of using Magsil on every run, and figure out which is the most economically feasible.
You were talking about passing testing being a priority. So make your extracts, send them in for testing, and THEN if you need to remediate, remediate. You’re paying 1 time for a test (that you were going to do anyway), and you can find out at that point if it needs more remediation or not. It will save you money on using Magsil on every run, for no real reason.
That’s a good idea. I guess just reading around here with morning coffee got me a little freaked out. Plus one of my buddies asked recently “is there pesticides in it” which I hadn’t even given a thought. I def don’t want to test every batch, was hoping if I just sprinkle the right ratio of magsil I wouldn’t ever have to think about it, but I do think your right. I still am curious, if it DOES need remediation what kind of ratio to put into my crc. Like if I run 5lbs of biomass, is there a g:lb of magsil:biomass or is it kinda still guess work. Thanks for your replies brother
I’ll be damned if I can find ratios! And THAT’S saying something… I tried Google, and didn’t too far. There alot of info here, and I haven’t been quite motivated enough to wade through them to find the information. It’s an unfortunate thing, but part of the process…
Just keep trying different variations of searches, and going through them 1 by 1. I’m sure someone has posted something somewhere on this forum!
Haha exactly. I’ve been scouring for two days now, but I’ll get a little more patient and keep going. Thanks again!
Forgive me if this is obvious, but why not just wash with water? Distillate will be immiscible and you can remove water soluble impurities, let separate and take the organic layer?
Is it because the distillate will be to viscous?
Anyone have any successful method they’re willing to share? Need to remediate Paclobutrazol from distillate.