Organic Hexane?

Before you use Hexane, consider that FDA considers it a Class 2 solvent. Consider Pentane, or Heptane, Class 3 solvents:

Solvents in Class 2 (Table 2) should be limited in pharmaceutical products because of their inherent toxicity. P DEs are given to the nearest 0.1 mg/day, and concentrations are given to the nearest 10 ppm. The stated values do not reflect the necessary analytical precision of determination. Precision should be determined as part of the validation of the method.

In chemistry, organic means carbon based, which Hexane is.

In food stuff it means grown naturally, which Hexane isn’t.


If it comes from the oil well as hexane, and it went into the ground as plant biomass, does the intervening time/temp/pressure change the fact that it was plant derived?!?

Asking for a friend :shushing_face:

If canola could be convinced to produce hexane using only ionizing radiation or chemical mutagenesis (rather than direct genetic modification), would that hexane qualify as “organic”?

GMO propane…

Structure-based engineering of enzymes can also change the active site and hereby improve the enzyme activity. A modified ADO from Procholorococcus marinus with point mutation A134F had an altered substrate specificity with enhanced activity towards short-chain aldehydes and could hereby improve about twofold total titer of propane (0.46 mg/L) in E. coli [32].


It went into the ground as biomass, where it combined with a plethora of nasty things and was subjected to heat and pressure, a synthetic process with regard to naturally grown plant matter. You might be able to safely eat the algae that the crude oil was made from, but crude oil itself is insalubrious if ingested.

They should certainly be able to produce a C-6 simple Alkane from Canola oil, and ostensibly it would not contain the nasties found in crude oil, but we are still faced with the issue of Hexane being listed as a Class 2 solvent due to its central nervous system toxicity.

It can be and is used worldwide for food product extractions, as long as it is safely purged below levels of concern and if you read the studies, it wasn’t the people eating those food products that suffered, but workers breathing the Hexane vapors.


Organically derived alpha amanitin is pretty nasty stuff too…

I’m all for evidence based risk assessment, and not a huge fan of the “if it’s not natural, it’s not good for you crowd”.

Eg: How to: Convert CBD to THC mass production - #142 by cyclopath

Was sort of hoping that a US Dinosaur Associated Organic appellation might gain traction…
