Oregon Hemp Game meet ya new Inspection Crew

Seems like ya brought so much attention the police now gonna help with ya inspections…


All those conversion labs probably didn’t help


It’s fucked, like iontraps revenge

He was like “Fine! Don’t believe me? Watch me fuck my whole state!”


:rofl: “d8 $300L get ya d8!”

I’m waiting on a bunch of public records requests for arrests/citations that mention “delta 8” right now, I have a feeling I’ll see quite a few out of Texas.

“Delta 8” AND “THC” brought up 112 pages single spaced since 1/1/19, but having THC included throws that way out of whack


:sweat_smile::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: tbh Texas has had 1 record I’ve found. All I know is it was hot product at a store. (TESTED)

All I’ve contacted have maintained, surprisingly support for the vagueness in the law.

My city won’t touch the subject.

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Haven’t seen anyone have their stuff retested by LE in TX yet, just the one in Wisconsin. I feel terrible for the small business owners and customers getting caught up in this shit

Thankfully our LEOs have decided it’s a non-issue presently. Bigger fish to fry in Texas than Hempsters trying to hemp

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Yeah I can see that in San Antonio, last time I was there they found a body on fire and in a dumpster with no head or hands


:rofl: 6 pack of beer and you disappear.


Pretty surprising, especially considering the raid on that shop in Victoria. The Texas crime lab didn’t have any records on delta 8 either

Wouldn’t be surprised if they just call it all THC


HB 3000 is more of a concern, where all hemp labs would get wrapped up under OLCC.

Like I said. Our state has no idea

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Fuck that. Country Moran just sent out an email about it. Having the ollc monitor the the hemo industry would be huge mistake.

Well now they have cops coming for Oregon Hemp inspections so

Hb2296 2021*

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