Opinions on fresh froze yield percentage

Hey there fam I was wondering dose anyone try to convert wet frozen weight to dry weight to find yield percentage thank you all for the continued blessings of knowledge you guys produce

A kg wet flowers will weigh 200 grams after drying


Always been fairly accurate by reducing wet weight by 80%, calculate expected yields off of this number. On average fresh frozen yields 2-6% by weight.

Edit - @Roguelab beat me to it lol


Thank you :pray: I appreciate it I’m hitting 3-4% return basing the calculations on wet frozen weight


1-2% is low, 3-5% is good, 7% is killer. Haven’t really seen above that.

I’ve always done a 5x for dry weight equivalent therefore if it yields 2% FF thats 10% DWE, 5% FF 25% DWE, 6% FF 30% DWE. It’s always worked well for me.

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