OK, what am I doing wrong with my salve?

I use the formula

Grams x 1000mg= total mg

Total mg x percent of (thc/cbd)product used = total infusion to be disbursed

Total infusion / number of doses = mg per dose or product

That is the formula i currently use

I just do gummies? Not sure how helpful that is?
I would guess you could figure how many tins or containers or salve the batch you make fills and apply the number?

Please correct if im off

I havnt got into making salve at this point but a friend of mine does i remeber a conversation of absorbansy into the body and the carrier oils used that determin how your body takes in the thc/cbd?

My friend made wonder rub. It was awsome without any cbd or thc. And when it was infused even better.

Something to look in to

That’s odd. Shouldn’t it be % x 10 x grams for total mg?

90% distillate

90 x 10 = 900mg/ gram


Spread the gospel


U have to convert gram to mg
Multiplyimg times 1000 converts it

You covert % to mg multiplied by the amount of grams

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This is very incorrect. This is assuming every gram is absolutely 100% thc which it’s not and you still wouldn’t multiply x 1000

You guys are going to confuse folks.

Math lesson 101…

If you were going to make a dozen salves… ( let’s keep to simple math )

And you wanted each salve to have 2 grams of CBD in it…

And your distillate was 90% CBD

12(cans) x 2 grams = 24 grams wanted or 24 x 1000 = 24000mg wanted

Now if you distillate was 90% pure… the correct math would be

24000mg ÷ (DEVIDED BY).90 = 26,667mg

26,667mg needed in your recipe…

If folks used your advice they’d come up short every time…

24000mg X .90 = 21,600

Common sense tells you this is wrong


My math is sound, I just went about it a different way. That’s dudes math is off

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Way off… at that.

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here’s a spreadsheet to make it easy


Its multiplied by .9 not divided by .9

Oh my god nvm you do some what ass weird shit tonget to where you going

U have to get to one common unit. The desired goal is to calculate mg. So a conversion has to be done. What is the unknown is the %of what will be infused. Flower oil etc .
You cant use to different units of measurement

I have no clue what your argument even is at this point. Multiplying x 1000 makes no sense

I just showed my work and explained how that was wrong.

Show your crack head math, and prove me wrong!

In case you need more help.


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This would be great, if it added Mct oil in grams vs ml.

1 ml of Mct does not equal 1 gram.

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Is it in a file I can actually use to plug in the numbers?

you can download the google sheet as a .xlsx

tincture calculator (2).xlsx (5.3 KB)


That’s bad ass, my friend. You gave it a good tweak!

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Agree, asking the analytical lab to do a matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate using your sample will at least get you some answers on how efficient their extraction of cannabinoids from your formula is.

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