Ohio legalized and now opponents are being sore losers

Using every trick in the book from, “it’s not fair we didn’t have enough money for our cause against cannabis,” to using race as a tactic and the ever so popular with the legalization opposition(s) trying to use reefer madness-based disinformation like: “Two bong hits can cause psychosis.”

Ohio has been heavily effected by the opioid and fentanyl crisis… Cannabis shouldn’t be on the forefront of their minds and they shouldn’t be spreading misinformation and being sore loser little bitches about it.

Full Hearing Start at 1:32:50


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God bless Ohio.


I love that woman saying it only takes one hit of a vape to cause psychosis but takes two bong rips to cause psychosis. Like she has this scale of danger of different consumption methods. So as long as you only take one bong rip you will be fine!


Cannabis can be a psychotomimetic for some people but it’s more likely that LSD and Psilocybin would be considered psychotomimetics. Certainly, LSD.

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