Hi Gang,
I was wondering if anyone has any experience/tips/tricks with Odoo software? I have a second interview with a Hemp facility that has been having inventory issues and bought this software not long ago. They’re using it for incoming and outgoing orders, inventory tracking, and to make invoices.
Most of my knowledge comes from METRC and the THC side of the industry and am looking to get a jump using this software.
We use it extensively for inventory, purchasing, manufacturing, sales & invoicing. It has been my blessing and curse for over a year now.
It is an extremely powerful suite of applications, but has a steep learning curve. We have had to go through re-implementation 3 times before finally getting it down.
I have been wrestling with it for over a year now, and will give you the best piece of advice I wish I could give myself a year ago. Don’t fight it. Don’t try to modify your ERP process to your business, modify your business process to the ERP.
That said, I think it is a bit overkill for basic inventory purposes if you are not using the manufacturing modules. We have BOMs with over 350 components, so it a necessity in our situation, however I am not sure if it is right for a more simplified business process.
The online resources are pretty good as well, but assume you are familiar with warehousing / inventory / manufacturing workflows already. Odoo Learn
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We use Odoo at Xtractor Depot and there is a learning curve to it like any program. We use the community version and have a team of developers that helped us customize it to our needs and we have one project lead in house for it to help with implementation. If you are computer savvy and can learn things quick, you’ll pick it up pretty quick. Most of everything on odoo is self explanatory. I think it is the best ERP system for this industry due to its open source nature allowing customization.
Thank you so much for all of that great information. I believe I got the job and will be starting next week. I’ll need to input and label their inventory of like 5k lbs as well as set up SOP’s so nothing goes out of whack again.
They plan on using the software for all inventory, purchasing, manufacturing, sales & invoicing so I will be setting all of that up as well. I will keep your advice in mind and try and shape any practices towards the software as not to fight it.
For now, I’ll watch every YouTube training video I can find to verse myself as much as possible.
Are you still using the Odoo platform and how has it been?
Definitely interested as well. I remember playing with it several years ago but I just downloaded the community version to check it out.