I’ll second @stoopkid since @BigM is slacking and hasn’t posted the poll yet. He always keeps it real by providing many facts and few opinions.
The poll is up in the first post. Thank you to everyone who put the time in to nominate our peers to recognize their efforts for our community. We have a great list again this month!
It is an honor to be on the list of nominees, and it’s a great boost to my confidence in these crazy times. I love this place and all the people here. Just don’t waste a vote on me when we have so many other candidates who have given so much. I’ll be happy to take your votes some other month when I have actually made a significant contribution.
D’awh you’re making me blush
I’d like to propose the mom poll be limited to 6 entries per month. First nominated first served. We don’t have many voters and there’s just too many good choices.
I also think it should be only 4 times per year. It will not take long until everyone has earned it. There are very few worthy members that stick around compared to total members.
making a poll to second nominations for each candidate and going in order of number of nominations would make more sense IMO
(Me getting things organized to get my donuts and recipes together so my genius gets recognized)
@Killa12345 I’m thinking around Feb-Mar I should have some things organized.
Damn it @TheGooMan, I need me one of them Chronic Creme donuts! Maybe we can get them donut lovin cops to eat some and chill out a bit. That would be member of the year stuff right there!
Working on it, should have the space in Dec, and I have the cook, just need to get the scale of manufacture I want, and the equipment necessary. But it’s gonna happen.
Should be playing with dough recipes around that December time, will add to the donut thread as I get there.
12 posts were split to a new topic: Halloween costumes w/ @thumper
Then MoM within a year from there?
Or just never, I ain’t that that smrt.
Neither me, and winded befores!
(Winded sounds better)
I wanna winded cause I’m smrtness do gooder sometimes about donut.
You can do it @TheGooMan! You have the vision, make it so. I need endonuts in my life. Maybe you should steal that name before someone else does…
It makes me happy to see we have 17 voters so far. Let’s break 100 votes this month!
23 voters??? Where is everyone at??? This is sad. I voted @TwistedStill. Fuck me, vote for him. Honestly fuck you guys for not voting. I could count more than 23 users I see post each day. Lets see some love guys. We not asking for physical contact but that can be discussed in DM. I am wondering if I should put that in italics.
@TwinPod @Terry_Manager @enjoyextra @LisaDong666 if thats the right one. You guys wanna be apart of the forum and sell us stuff? Lets see some votes. Come be apart of the forum. This might get you some sales. Make a little effort and play along.
I vote David
thanks for tag, voted
annd looks like @TwinPod is the only vape guy