Not for sale: a Thread of perseverance

I like playing red light, green light, hash!!


for 350,000k you must very much like those buttons. Asked a legitimate question but alright.

You should check out the echo chamber, its where they hide everything including random members getting scammed, consultants being fired from hemp facilities(one drank Acetonitrile cause they were pouring it into water bottles that were next to the ones they were drinking) had to be air lifted to a hopstial and these were the people future4200 deemed as qualified consultants. You can continue to look at me the way you do or go to that site. or ask fickle his reasoning behind his pointless and meaningless sap comment. Your in the matrix now buddy which side is right and remember likes arent facts ;). time to do some research. their are plenty other forums that existed with names and info i am saying now before this one did.

Do your research. Oh and check my IG if you think im talking out my ass

@cyclopath so your answer was automation like i ASSumed/presumed. thanks for being extra about it <3

I reached my max replies censorship ftw :). later yall @Cannagrower207 id wish you luck but you choose to listen to one source instead of exploring all possibilites. you can only lead a horse to… deuces and be careful your not operating in a c1d1 space like the man advising you

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Sure man :+1:

I have a great job in the Rec market, been rebuilding our facility for the last 1.5 yrs. We wouldn’t be doing so much remodeling if the building were in better shape, but we paid $700k for a 10k sqft building in south Seattle so I’m not complaining. We have a very small team and a fairly decent size operation that should pay handsomely when fully online.

I’m not on Instagram to swing dick or do consults for people. I have an account with absolutely no content. I care about my time and the people who I can help out directly. I don’t ask for money, I just genuinely care.


True facts, friend. We all have @Graywolf to thank :heart::pray:

Do check out Graywolfs Lair and get it straight from the horse’s mouth.


wanna talk Luna?

try: Experiences with Luna Technologies
or It puts the Cannabis in the tube, & then it walks away again

monkeys can make life changing errors…I welcome our new robot overlords…especially when they provide great hash.


Hey bro I designed built and used my own butane extraction rig (10kg 22lb per run) about 8 years ago and stopped running it about 6 years ago I think. A lot has changed in that time and what people are doing now surpasses what I did back then and so I rarely give advice about hydrocarbon gas extraction. I agree with you there is a lot of bad information on this site but when you have what seems to be a highly respected professional, be it independent or an employee, ready to come to you on his own time free of charge you would have to be a fool to think you could do it better by yourself or listening to graywolf. The dude knows his shit really well no doubt but he ain’t the only one and I doubt he would be willing to go to this guy’s house to hold his hand through a run or two. So i agree with you with your statement of having a lot of bad advice on this site, I think you need to chill out and let professionals help this guy out for free.

Also if you’re a knowledgeable professional instead of just shitting on people why don’t you throw your hat in the ring and give some help? I believe what you said about your abilities, so now I think the cool thing would be to help out a brother in need… Unless you think that’s beneath you?


@sidco huh?

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Every website tracks user IP addresses

Sidco said he hasn’t shared any info with LEO, the closest is probably me asking for the @r33fermadness account to not be anon’d for my court shit


Dude sounds like extraction guy lol


Everyone is extractionguy…


No I’m everyone




Sell it and buy a centrifuge instead. There’s a flood of extract out there you could buy for dirt cheap to spin and turn into something else. Blasting trim is too much work for the amount of profit you could make with a rig that size




It’s probably the quality of your material.

What’s your location ?
Knowing this I might be able to pull some strings asap


A long thread and I see help is on the way. I don’t see details of the specific problem(s) so I’ll hold off on specific solutions.

My first closed loop extraction wasn’t all that purdy either and there are specific changes that I made that are the reasons my extractions got better. Not only did my own extractions improve through experimentation, but I too learned from others and look where other brothers and sisters have evolved the process in the last decade once we could do so legally.

Look at this first extraction: 15.1 The History of the Terpenator According to Gospel - GrayWolf's Lair

This is certainly the right forum to find the kindred spirits with the answers to your questions, so If you will list the issues you wish to address, we can focus on the process and controls for that issue.

I will answer what I can and know of others more knowledgeable in certain processes on this forum that will most likely do the same.


1.0 My yeild is only 10%.
2.0 My non targeted element pickup is high.
3.0 My color remediation is poor.
4.0 My flavor and aromatics are poor.
5.0 I want xxx consistency and I have XXX.
6.0 Etc, et al.

You’ve stated that you are ready to throw in the towel, but I haven’t seen a statement of your long-term goals if you can make it work to your satisfaction. Now that extracting cannabis concentrates is legal, competition is fierce, making it more difficult for a small operator to compete.

If you plan to use your system for mostly personal use you have more latitude than if you plan for it to be an income source.

Have you checked the concentrate pricing in your area and will it provide enough of a return for your efforts and investment?

Does your investment include a safe place to run your equipment?

What is your location?


Maine happens to have a very unique market. Maine is geographically large, with a realativly small population. We are extremely rural in 90% of the state.

Maine allows ANYONE to grow 6 plants. Period. If your a resident you can grow.

Not only this, but Maine has an extremely low cost of living.

Cost of product is going down just like everywhere, but that sized loop is most definitely enough to make ends meet. If used correctly.


North western Maine