Not for sale: a Thread of perseverance

did you ask for advice on this BEFORE buying?

and lets get real here: you can, once upon a time I used to recover my solvent 3x…not something I’d advise, but saying “I can’t” without exploring the bounds of the damn box is a great way to make it true.


I’m going to meet him next Saturday. Gas ratios, and powders should have him fixed up.


thank you sir!

I suggested a split into the Help/Support category to the OP, leaving the classified as a “backup plan”. doesn’t sound like that is needed.

however, the fact that only 2hrs after getting around to asking @Cannagrower207 has help coming their way needs to be noted…


I’ve got you covered for any powders you use from your own stock.


@Cannagrower207 how you doing sir, from what I’ve read not so well.

My name is Juan Valencia, I just started my consulting gig and would like to offer you free help to get you started as a way of earning the trust of all the F4200 members. I can help you with anything regarding basic extraction process techniques and color remediation if needed. Please email me @ I’m happy to help you.


all that sounds close. not a fan of the CRY.

my guess is you went through the media too quickly.

where you aware that you can redissolve what you made, and run it again to adjust the color? see: Re-dissolve BHO for CRC

IMO this means the best plan is to run WITHOUT media first, so you know how much media to use. THEN you get to experiment with various media/ratio’s. starting with (baked) B80 as @vortal suggests is solid. expecting to get it in one is unreasonable. although with an experienced operator at your side, you’ve got a much better shot.


Lustermax should be looked into as well! It’s the bees knees :honeybee:


if u think GG4 is sappy you mustve never touched fresh material/fresh frozen. Which is clearly an issue when u are extracting the “sap” (resins) with a gas that fully disolves them? how would it being sappy be an issue? thats a great thing no? dont get grease monkey either extra sappy sappy lmao.

Can you explain why being sappy is harder? Do you actually hold the buds and pour butane on it or something? im lost doesnt sap (resin) just dilute in the solvent in a column and just come out like a liquid either way? How does extra “sap” make it inherently more difficult?

90% of the advice from this site is gonna belike your phone calls @Cannagrower207 , most the commentors dont work for themselves like you are trying. Most are on a salary/wage(most do less) and hide their instagram profiles even tho they work legally i wonder why… not really learn it yourself from

Thats where we all learned everything and the person that created this site learned everything under personally irl, future 4200 learned everything from graywolf and graywolf posts research not opinions like us assholes (Its how the rest of us started nearly a decade ago and used his site to go from open blasting to a closed loop) Why learn from the site that got cred because the creator was educated by one of the only educated people teaching us the game? go to you can do it just ignore 90% of the opinions you hear and use all his research to your advantage. I built a closed loop at age 19 by literally copy and pasting links and following his tutorial on how to put it together. a decade ago, would have i done this w.o greywolf? HELL FUCKING NO. go learn from a pro


It’s not that it’s difficult it’s just requires more powder than you would normally use (I guess that’s what I’m saying IS difficult :man_facepalming:).

Trying to jump that hurdle as one of your first runs will add an extra layer to it all.

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Like i was saying @Cannagrower207 dont listen to these opinions/words from these people it went from inherently difficult to extract gg4 to its not that difficult when i asked for an explanation as to why sap would be more difficult.

Actually sap/resin content doesnt equate to using more powder how it was grown and stored does. Sat in a warm closest all summer? gonna be a nightmare and require ashit load of powders. was it harvested, trimmed and handed to you within a week? guess what you wont even need to use powders.

Please learn from

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They also track your IP here and share information with law enforcement(check the privacy policy they have posted here) if you didnt make a anon email and such gtfo and come back with so and any program that manipulates/continually changes your IP

It was all my own material at the time and it was stored in a freezer. Been years. Calm yourself amigo, just got off a call with @Cannagrower207. I’d say out of everything, this guys issue is the powder. Media bros granular is more challenging unless you’re on a Luna and have their special reducers for the crc.


we still had to add a needle valve to get the flow rate right…


@og_extracts is @Fyourmisinformation

Have a good day amigo. Someone needs to show you some love. :wink:


Yes i put my instagram in my profile for a reason, great detective work officer you read something i posted lmao. Doesnt change the fact you think sappier material is harder to work with and have again gone off topic and refused to answer why you say so. Why do you work legally give advice and hide yours?

If your information proves true wouldnt posting your public info help you finacially and score more consults?

… okay



best of luck to you sir

why would you buy a luna? where you not intending on operating it or something(less labor costs understandably smart) just curious why you wouldnt piece something yourself together or buy another system

I like playing red light, green light, hash!!


for 350,000k you must very much like those buttons. Asked a legitimate question but alright.

You should check out the echo chamber, its where they hide everything including random members getting scammed, consultants being fired from hemp facilities(one drank Acetonitrile cause they were pouring it into water bottles that were next to the ones they were drinking) had to be air lifted to a hopstial and these were the people future4200 deemed as qualified consultants. You can continue to look at me the way you do or go to that site. or ask fickle his reasoning behind his pointless and meaningless sap comment. Your in the matrix now buddy which side is right and remember likes arent facts ;). time to do some research. their are plenty other forums that existed with names and info i am saying now before this one did.

Do your research. Oh and check my IG if you think im talking out my ass

@cyclopath so your answer was automation like i ASSumed/presumed. thanks for being extra about it <3

I reached my max replies censorship ftw :). later yall @Cannagrower207 id wish you luck but you choose to listen to one source instead of exploring all possibilites. you can only lead a horse to… deuces and be careful your not operating in a c1d1 space like the man advising you

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