North American Distributor for Pelletizer

Hello all,

Im in search of a pelletizer that decarbs biomass as well as turns it into pellets. Any help would be much appreciated.

You wouldn’t happen to be from humboldt?

Good luck, if you pack it tightly enough to hit that kind of heat range you’re going to have a hell of a time getting a solvent in there to remove the cannabinoid oils you’re after.

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I think he’s looking to do something else with the pellets. An old timer I talked with one night in the mountains had a good idea that involved biomass and pellets.


no im not actually but ive heard a few things about pelletizing decarbed bio mass and am interested if one is obtainable in the US

We offer them. $5k plus shipping.


Never met him @Dirteagle but I believe he is very legit. I would definitely get inquisitive and hit him up.

We sell Pellet Mills. Reach out if you are still interested.
Schutte Pellet Mills